Trust 3 today! WOOT!

My forum lurking when I’m bored pays off at last!

You are the true winner my lurking horde enemy :+1:

People are jealous of my wittiness and they always flag it as trollness and I’m very okay with not getting trust level!

So I guess I can never reach level 3 or does this timer reset?

Why is there not an easy inhouse way to check this?

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Well, I guess that means I’ll never get Trust Level 3. So I guess I’m peacing out…

New forum, new toys. Why should some people be forced to forget that these toys exist?

Because they don’t want to earn them. My point is they are complaining about new toys they can get access to. It’s not like they have to earn the old toys back again.

The point you are missing is that some will never have the opportunity to “earn” them because they lost it before the new forums were ever introduced. The rules are retroactive.

I know. I’m affected by that too. I think it is very anti-customer and a very poor decision on Blizzard’s part, especially considering how arbitrary some of the forum suspensions seem to be based on my own experience. That’s a different issue though.

I’m referring to the system in general, not one specific criterion to reach the top level.

And you find that abnormal…why?

Game developers place a higher value on people who give quality feedback, who test things rigorously in alphas and betas, and who actually show an interest in the game’s well-being. I don’t blame them one bit for wanting a closed-door area for genuine feedback, so they don’t have to read through 18 pages from BillyBobMooseburger’s “AZERITE SUXX”, “WHERE’s MUH FLYING?”, and “HIGH-ELVES NAOOOO OR UNSUB!”


All we’re missing out on are two abilities;

Trust Level 3 users can

  • Create Wiki Posts (more on that below)
  • Post animated gifs, images, compatible video embeds, and links to any website

Not exactly a deal-breaker.


Actually trust level 2 can create wiki posts on this forum, I just can’t link to anywhere.

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Interesting. It is listed under lvl 3 in the sticky, still, but I do have a “post admin actions” button on my posts. Ok, so then all we miss out on is link-to-anywhere and animated gifs.

Honestly, a lot people would just use gif-privileges for kermit-sipping-tea and Bye Felicia memes, so we’re probably better off leaving that one in more trusted hands.

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I have a couple technical explainer posts concerning exclusive full screen I’d like to update with appropriate links but honestly beyond that I’m not sure I really care.

I thought a blue said that it just resets your counts when you get suspended, so you have to start over, and so previous infractions don’t matter.

I still want to know if all conditions have to be true at the same time, or if hitting the 50% mark checks that off, so that later when I finish the 20k posts read, I still get TL3 even if I’ve fallen below 50% by then.

Also, I’m assuming that the recency requirement for reading posts is checked at the time you read each one, not at the time it checks for whether you meet the 20k requirement.

Anyway, I don’t really care enough to scroll through long threads without actually reading them.

The thing is though, from outward indications, they don’t just ignore that kind of noise you listed. They ignore other things too.

For example there were tons of feedback in Legion αlpha that dealt with Hunters losing Ice Trap and Freezing Trap (CC and Snaring abilities) in 7.0 except in Survival spec. These are signature abilities that have been in the class toolkit since Vanilla.

People presented thought out, rational, well-presented feedback. Same thing happened in ßeta (I myself chimed in on that). When 7.0 hit the PTR it happened again. What happened when it hit live? BM/MM Hunters still had no traps. Blizzard re-added them 11 weeks after Legion’s launch in Patch 7.1. At no time was there any acknowledgement of the feedback or an explanation given as to why they made that decision and stuck with it. Or even a “Yeah, you guys are right but because of X, Y, and Z we won’t be able to give you guys traps back until 7.1 so please be patient.”

The reason threads like the High Elf ones get out of hand is because for some reason the moderators do not want to actually exercise their moderation abilities. At least that is how it looks from where I am sitting. Those threads always turn into dumpster fires and should be closed on sight if not outright deleted. But instead they are left to fester and multiply.

And yes, I am well aware of the fact that there is a faction of people who think “good communication” is a personally tailored response to their post that tells them exactly what they want to hear. But it’s not. Good Communication involves showing that you are listening and that the message is received.

Every time I look at WoWHead’s Blue Tracker, ignoring announcement posts, the name I tend to see the most is Aerythlea… A/The EU Community Manager. Not that I am calling out the Sacred Yak because he has gotten pretty prolific in posting too and I find his posts very amusing when he reads someone to filth. But I know that even she has problems with people perceiving the no one is listening (

I will defend Blizzard when they are unfairly attacked and I will also give them credit where credit is due. Like when Lore was unfairly attacked for that one post where he was supposedly “completely condescending” but apparently the people who were accusing him of that didn’t read his post.

But I will also call them out on things that I see wrong and this is one of those things.

It’s a forum, who cares about an imaginary forum rank…

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From what I was told, it’s only this forum that counts. When did that change or was I told incorrectly?

Let me do some searching to see if I can find it. I tried to do a quick search on my phone when I posted that, but it’s a pain on a phone. I’ll try now that I’m on a proper computer.

Okay some good news on this front. (I’m looping you in as well, Malfosa)

It’s not the entire punishment history, it’s just if one was actively suspended at the time the new forums went live.

I’m going to edit that quote of mine above for those who may still come across it.