Cannot use flight path from Trueshot lodge. Can get to Trueshot Lodge from flight paths, but cannot fly from Trueshot Lodge to any flight path.
I’m having the same problem
I had the same problem today, also. If you click the flight master, a dialogue comes up, but no options to fly anywhere.
Here to report the same, and I know I’ve done most of legion content.
Same issue, Odan Battlebow has dialogue but no flight paths. Been that way for two days tried relogging and reset UI to no avail.
Same for me, that’s why I’m here. Dialogue , but no flight paths.
Same here, glad to see I’m not the only one
Same. Flight master in Trueshot Lodge is only giving me dialogue, no flight map.
Same thing for me. Odan Battlebow, flight master at Trueshot Lodge doesn’t display any flight paths.
Same and sent bug report to Blizz. No response yet.
Same issue here, but has been happening for me for approximately a week, give or take.
Same for me as well.
So Odan Battlebow doesn’t work but the great eagle across from him works, after unlocking the Great Eagle. My guess is maybe its intended, just poorly signaled that once you train the Great Eagle flight paths that Odan stops being the flight path? Can anyone else confirm?
Really? This has been going on for eight days now??
Same problem. :-/
Confirmed…use the eagle
I have not trained the eagle on my new character yet, and the flight path still does not work.
Still not working.
Odan Battlebow nor Great Eagle display any flight paths for me now.
Same and Im aggrivated as heck.