All this complaining about factions and these garbage ideas about getting rid of factions. As much as I hate it… They are a good thing because it’s showing the community who isn’t a “True” member of the Horde.
I take “For the Horde” seriously enough that I had it tattooed on my forearm. Dedicated years and years to my faction, proudly. It got rocky with the Sylvanas bull but regardless.
So to all you… “players” trying to get rid of the faction I dedicated my gaming career to… Go oook yourself in the dooker!
the horde can still exist, the alliance can still exist, but the players should be free to serve whichever faction they want regardless of race, like mercenaries, or like thrall jaina bolvar the cow dude etc
There’s no “pride” in being Horde anymore. It’s basically the default faction these days. Alliance is a dead faction, and mustering a Horde warband to go raid some Alliance group or whatever is akin to Mike Tyson fighting a disabled 12 year old. What “glory” can be gained from that?
My heart lies with the Alliance, but if I want to actually play with people? My dwarf had to become an orc.
Faction merging is gonna have to happen sometime. The game can’t sustain a 2 faction divide forever. The only question is when.
I understand why you did it. I have friends that have asked me to go Horde countless times, especially now that my guild is dead and I’m looking to do endgame activities again. But my heart says no. I feel like I’ll be here until there are 100 Alliance total.
So, you are saying the Horde won by defeating the Alliance. So, Our Lady Windrunner was the ultimate Warchief of the Horde and finally conquered Azeroth. ALL HAIL SYLVANA!
Why not just write the Alliance more interesting? I have played and sometimes still play both factions but I have a definite preference for the Horde…why? I am a lore nut and the Horde is written so much better than the Alliance…Alliance is written so 1 dimensional…they are…boring…
They’re NEVER going to ‘get rid of’ the Horde or Alliance, those two are always going to exist as cultural/political groups. (Plus it sells merchandise for them).
What might happen (and frankly I’ll believe it when I see it), is that they might allow players to talk/group up together on a voluntary basis to do PVE content together in light of A) letting players play with whomever the heck they want regardless of what faction or in-game race they prefer (what a ‘novel’ concept…letting players play with their friends!) B) The very skewed population number depending on region of the world and server.