Hi, my name is Oliver Darius LaRavia Barthcellos (but you can call me Ollie). I recently realm changed from Stormrage to Moon Guard and am for the first time cracking my head over my profile on TRP3. I see lots of elaborate profiles around. People with extensive lore, campaign stuff, even some stats for die rolls I guess?
Thing is, I don’t know anything about the etiquette of existing in a RP realm. Should my “About” section contain just a wall of text of my backstory? I haven’t done any rp yet (I’m more of a fanfiction guy rather than die rolling my way ingame). What are the do’s and don’ts? Is there a modern guide on how to build a nice-looking profile?
My guild is not an RP guild, so I can only join RP communities, no guilds. Unsure if this changes things, as I understand guilds may have different directives on how to behave and build profiles.
Either way, I’ll be happy with any tips on how these things work!
From my personal experience, there doesn’t seem to be any sort of commonly agreed upon right way of profile building, as is somewhat common with rp in general. Some folks with display prose-heavy backstories and/or physical descriptions (sometimes with aesthetic decorations), others are completely utilitarian about it and/or just have links; some people only include the barest amount of info and expect you to learn the rest through rp, and some cram everything into the At First Glance tabs (to my personal variable annoyance).
Personally, I always start with Template 3, including spaces reserved for Physical Description, Personality Traits and History, and fill them as I see fit. I use brief somewhat descriptive notes when writing about personality rather than a detail description for the mutual benefit of myself and others. I also use History for various tidbits about the character as well as dedicated hooks and the main bulk of OOC information I wish to share.
Overall, I try to balance descriptive data and hints to otherwise un-shared info. I don’t want my profile to be the size of novel, but I want to have enough content to help give an idea of the character they might deal with.
If I may, I’d also suggest being mindful of your font color if you want to change it from the default. While it may be nice to have the extra layer of customization, some shades make the text difficult to read. While I can’t speak for everyone, I tend to give such profiles a wide berth if the text isn’t immediately easy to read.
With all that said, do what you think is best. You probably won’t please everyone but that’s an impossible task to begin with.
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Thanks! I used template 3 as you suggested. I’m afraid the history part was a little bit longer than I expected, but I supposed it is okay for now