Trouble With Reputation With Assembly Of The Deeps

I’ve been trying since yesterday to get Alleria to spawn so I can finish the campaign and unlock Earthen. I’m level 80 and I’ve done the campaign up until this point and finished all the required quests. The only thing I haven’t finished is earning level 4 reputation with the Assembly of the Deeps. I’m level 3 and I’ve been questing down there like crazy but my reputation hasn’t gone up a single bit. I’m guessing it’s glitched but I’m not sure. Is anyone else having these problems? Am I doing something wrong? Please help!

I have the EXACT same issue. Renown 3 with 2,499/2,500 for this and it won’t move. Don’t know what else to do.

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You need to do the odd globs of wax quest to get 1000 renown and then do the dungeon quest next to the flight person and it will give you a choice of 1500 renown you just choose assembly of the deeps.

The name of the person is Biergoth and he is right next to the flight master in Dornogal.

One more thing you can do the dungeon quest in the group finder just choose the option specific dungeons and choose the one Biergoth assigns you. Then you have others to help you just complete the whole dungeon.