I’m trying to get a hang of the double FB opener after fireball during combust, which should generate me 2 instant pyros according to Preheet’s guides. The problem is this only works like 35% of the time, and the rest of the time I’m not getting two instant pyros. Not sure what I’m doing wrong as I’m following his cast order in slow motion, and I’m always doing the exact same thing. It should look like:
Also what could be happening with that rotation you are trying to use, if you are at max range your non combustion fireball may be landing after your first fireblast, as it has travel time before it reaches the target. If that fire ball is a non crit it is consuming your first charge of heating up.
Is the fireball landing before combust is going off? You’re either accidentally munching the pyro before you realise or the fireball isn’t critting from combustion
What you do is prepull about 4s you cast pyro, then if you have badge you use that, then fireball- 50-60% through fireball you combust and instantly double FB, then instantly pyro after fireball and if you are some distance away from the boss, not on him your fireball should hit after you consume your hotstreak and that plus the pyro you sent will give you another pyro.
If you are activating combust just before your fireball launches, you shouldn’t be doing x2 fb, as you don’t store up instant pyros. You would be wasting the second fb.
Doing combust just before the fireball launches ensure it crits so only 1 fb is necessary to get a insta pyro. Im not sure where it tells you to do pyro into fireball into x2 fb.
I would pyro in raid, combust just before it is off and fb x1 to get things going. I only x2 fb in m+ pugs to get the ball rolling there.
Yep, this is why it happens. I recommend practicing the double Fire Blast opener with Lust (and Berserking if Troll), as the timing for this gets pretty difficult. I believe some people use a Combust + Fire Blast macro to make this easier, but I haven’t personally tried this.
The x2 FB opener is used to gain your two stack infernal cascade conduit buff rather than FB>PB>FB>PB which would cause only your second PB to be affected by the max increase from the conduit.
Haha now we seem to be piggy backing on added tidbits. In case neither my first post nor Hunda’s was completely clear:
The idea is to have Infernal Cascade up at two stacks during the beginning to the very end of combustion, never letting it drop. If it is ever below two stacks or dropped then you are not doing your combustion optimally. You should be weaving in Phoenix Flames->Pyro and using Fire Blast->Pyro (but only FB → Pyro refreshes Infernal Cascade and only during Combustion).
So a non crit opener normally goes:
Trinket, Combustion, FB, FB, Pyro, Pyro, PF, Pyro, FB, Pyro, PF, Pyro, FB, Pyro, PF, Pyro (you should be aiming to get at least seven Pyros in). (The crit opener is only slightly different and opens up the combustion to potentially get in eight Pyros, I would personally practice the non-crit one until you get it right).
Something that many people do not consider and wonder why they are failing the opener can be attributed to certain things:
-Haste Level
-Timing of using FBx2 and Pyrox2 at the start of the combustion
-Travel time of PF and Pyro compared to instantaneous Fire Blast
-Spellque Window/Lag Tolerance
Not sure if you legitimately are asking a question or if this is sarcasm, but yes, you do. The exception to this is the scenario where you cast Pyroblast first and it crits. However, for someone trying to get the hang of the spec, it’s easier to practice the non-crit combustion sequence.
“Below we list the standard Fire Mage opener. However, if you are running Infernal Cascade (which is the best Conduit, so you should), there is a more advanced opener that requires significantly more practice to pull off successfully. We list this advanced opener after the standard opener below.”
“ If your pre-cast Pyroblast did not critically strike:
Cast a second Fire Blast about half a second after the first one, but before the Fireball cast is over.
Cast Pyroblast twice. The first Pyroblast is the Pyroblast you get from using 2x Fire Blast, and the second one is from the previous Fireball + the first Pyroblast.”
https://www.altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6917 10 - Advanced Infernal Cascade Opener
“With infernal cascade, it can be a DPS increase during your second Fireball cast to use Combustion into one, or two (if your opening Fireball didn’t crit) Fire Blasts. The idea is to already have at least one Infernal Cascade stack when you use your first Pyroblast. Below I have provided some example sequences depending on covenant.“
In case you’d like sources. So while it may be degenerate, I think most major sources are in agreement that if you don’t crit with a pre-pull Pyroblast that it is worth it to munch a proc by gaining the Conduit Buff by using two Fire Blasts—at least according to:
Altered Time
Icy Veins
Preheat (from YouTube—not linked in this post).