Hello I have a level 52 Forsaken who is exalted with the Undercity and I have the “Return to Lordaeron” achievement. But I am unable to start the quest because every time time I go to Trisfal Glad the area is still covered in blight. I want to know if there is a way I can change this without leveling up my toon further and doing that questline with him specifically.
Have you checked to see if Zidormi has the option to turn back time to before it was blighted? She’s marked by a speech bubble on the map.
If she doesn’t have the option, then you’ll need to do some questing.
“Fixing” Tirisfal Glades has to be done character by character. The achievement doesn’t phase the zone for any character other than the one which initially did the quest.
Sorry, you’re going to have to do the entire quest chain on that character to get Lordaeron back into shape and available for the next step.