I’ve checked all the waterways shown on wowhead. I’ve tried realm hopping, but I can’t find this one.
get lucky or
do the Nazjatar dailies each day, preferably at night on a low pop realm, while checking out every spot where a river forms a shallow pool, or
do the rounds of these pools:
/way 47.8 72.6
/way 47.8 52.0
/way 32.8 46.6
/way 31.6 36.4
/way 45.6 45.8
/way 46.4 38.6
/way 40.4 14.6
/way 70.0 42.0
/way 72.6 32.8
(thanks Feliciamarie from Wowhead)
and remove any Deeptide Fingerlings you see in these spots by killing the first pet of the team in a pet battle. They can respawn as Bloodseekers.
Make sure you have a strong, resilient team with a good catcher, (Terrible Turnip or doggy with Superbark) for catching it.
found one today at (40,66)
I got tired of not being able to find one so I set my alarm for 2AM server time. Logged on found one in 2 minutes, went back to bed. lol