So I just bought this item, the tooltip certainly IMPLIES this is an extra troop type, so I click on it, it disappears but I get NO chat message AND no such troop is added when I get back to the boat. WTF??? Thought maybe I might have still had the quartermaster selected and sold it back, I buy another one, GO to the ship and “use” it again. Again, it disappears and I have no extra troop…
They are put in the troop pool so whenever you recruit a troop you have a chance to get one. Yep, more RNG…
So it is NOT a 7th troop type like the tip certainly seems to say so… and I blew 500 resources (no biggee, I got those coming out of every orifice in my body). AND RNG in top of it? Less and less chance I’m going to go for the next xpac… this really sucks.
It is another troop type that can be recruited along with the others, using the item means any number of them can be recruited. However since what troops you get when recruiting troops since the start of BFA has always been random, whether you will get the new ones when recruiting is up to chance.
This is just one of my issues with how they are doing stuff… first I have NO IDEA the item I used (twice I might add) MAY potentially change anything… hell, using it didn’t even put a message in chat, the item just disappeared. For all I know, it’s bogus.
I hear you about RNG (grrrr), I have “recruited” about half a dozen troops so far but NONE of these Rajani have joined my forces.
this has happened to me about 7 times in the last 2 weeks. i made a ticket they said it was add-ons. i was like no your lazy and not doing your job is the real answer. didnt ask for my screen shot i told them i have. i replied about 3-4 times cause it happened to me 4 times yesterday alone. i even turned off ALL my add-ons and it still happened, happened in uldum as well as ranji actually. but i did say that i still had a problem i think my ticket could still be open unless i got another lazy answer from the almighty blizzard support team putting it off on some bs. This happened on my Mage Freezeburn-Farstriders in case any blizz support reading this. I only had 3 troops of my 7 allowed when attempting so there is little chance that i had no room.
I have trained dozens of troops since I “used” the item. Not one Sparkcaller EVER got called. However, you know those “contracts” you very occasionally get from running visions? The ones you can ONLY use if you don’t already have a contracted follower? I DID see a Sparkcaller generated from one of them… after I had used such items to get troops just not Sparkcallers. Quadruple RNG.
Just another #blizzfail as far as I’m concerned.
When I try to use mine it says I have too many troops already. I carry the paper around forever.
You’ll have to wait until the one in your group of followers dies.
I must have hearty troops cause they never seem to!
Each “troop” will die after doing 2 missions. The Sparkcaller gets 3 lives before expiring. I use troops where applicable to increase bonus odds (I try and only send 200% chance missions, BUT I have had MANY bonuses fail with 90% and 95% chance of success).