Trolls should have gotten beards

I mean what the heck blizzard reveal voljin secret to us.


I support this

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Lok’Tar orc brother support our fellow trolls to have beards. We need their population to grow much more.

Support the troll customization, bruddha

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No beards for trolls.

i dont think they can actually have facial hair at all in their biology… just saying

This is wrong as trolls have been featured with beards in several official media

I mean, unless you have never seen Vol’jin in-game for whatever reason

Dey hate us, mon.

Voljin says hi buddy.

Voljins beard was actually a malformed chin tusk. A chusk.

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They actually had beards since the Frozen Throne and the release of the WD

Worgen should have gotten tails

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i dont know how i feel about more tails… the lizard tail on the draenei is gonna take a lot of adjusting for me to get used to… very unsettling at first glance

Worgen having tails should come after troll gets beard. IF anything worgen getting tails is just boring

yes, beards for the Island folk, mon

who got time for shavin? Not old Mercredis.

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