Trolls mass reporting single player

I feel like this should be punishable. People can’t just mass report one player or one comment and make it ignored, or in game silenced. Here is how this works.

I feel like /ignore is enough if you want to IGNORE toxic player, so simple and easy to use. Trolls abuse this report system and it is truly ridiculous. My comment saying " old bands had some good music" got mass reported , ignored and REMOVED.

I understand you guys want to make money but don’t just remove our posts based on some people having all their friends reporting it. How does “old bands had some good music” violates codes of conduct? Good thing I haven’t bought shadowlands yet,I am at this point scared to get silenced over and over and being harassed by trolls who abuse this system. To make this clear. I will not be buying shadowlands in fear of report system being abused by trolls.


same people that will support this just because it involves who it involves are the same people who will be in literal tears if they get troll-kicked from lfr

btw this isn’t going anywhere, it’s here to stay

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Exactly 100%. I am sure this post will also be mass flagged just wait.

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Hint: Blizz doesn’t care about what gets reported in Guild channels :slight_smile: or community channels I’d imagine.

You don’t even need that, you can make raid and just report one player, there is example up there in his video. It happened second time to him too. Good thing GM helped him but not all of us have live stream to prove it.

This was 3 years ago.

How does that relate to Shadowlands?

This is top tier bait troll thread.


What was 3 years ago? the system is same as before.

This video is older than these forums.

Tempted to flag just because this is a Asmongold love thread


sees it’s Asmongold being targeted

Oh, nothing to see here.


to be fair, some people just enjoy scrawling a big red :x: on their forehead.

Asmongold is pretty good at that.

Some people have this happen because they tick off a guild leader, who then has the guild do it. Some people are just natural drama lighting rods.

Some like the guy in this video have created a persona that is designed to draw this type of attention. I don’t feel sorry for him, I do feel kinda sorry for the rest.

That video is from 2016 why are we discussing it

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