Trolls kicking people on the last boss of a dungeon need to be actioned

Title / 10 chairs or whatever.


You can report them. If there are enough reports “something” will be done (I assume, anyway).

Just queue as tank or healer and your chances of being a kick victim will dramatically drop :joy:

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For what? Using the vote to kick system isn’t against the rules.


Stop doing things that make you deserving of a kick then.


If it’s genuinely malicious then I see no reason it couldn’t be reported. It’s not exactly a “clever use of in game systems”.


How do we know? We just guessing that any kick that happens to us is genuinely malicious?

Or we just filing a bunch of random reports in the hopes that one day one of them is somehow proven to be genuinely malicious despite the fact that Blizzard still has no report option or no punishment in place for using the vote to kick system?


It would fall under the category of “Gameplay sabotage”. It’s a vague rule that blizz used just recently to setup the new m+ leaver banwave. I see no reason why the same rule can’t be applied here.


As if we need another thread on this issue. We already have a thread on this.

No it doesn’t, they want the vote to kick system to be there for groups to use as they see fit, so it’s not gameplay sabotage if groups use it.


But it can indeed. It all depends on intent and behavior. Much like the m+ leaver penalty.

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Personally, I think the most logical and reasonable argument against the vote kick system is that dungeon finder is the only way to engage with specific kinds of content such as time-walking.

Normally, I would say that the dungeon finder is an opt-in mechanic of the game that people could avoid by making their own groups however because of daily heroic lockouts existing and time-walking being inaccessible without the dungeon finder I would say that the vote kick system is a problem simply because people that want to tackle this type of content are forced to submit to a system as a consequence of another that they have no alternative to.

So I think the real solution here is to simply allow players an alternative way to engage with heroic dungeons (without a lockout) and time-walking without being forced to use the dungeon finder and in turn the vote kick system.


According to you or according to Blizzard?

How are you proving intent?

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When they start issuing Suspensions for using the kick tool to grief others. Then we will know for certain.

Again, much like with the m+ leaver penalty, it’s entirely up to blizz. Only they can make the judgement call based on the statistics only they have access to.

Don’t ask me. Ask blizz. I assume it would be the same way they interpret intent for m+ leavers. Basically they look at the stats of the player and go from there.

If it’s done just before the very last boss, the intent is pretty obvious.


I feel like it would be fairly obvious to everyone involved.

I feel like you’re arguing just to argue.

They’re not going to do this though. They want it to be usable for any reason.

Yeah and they say it’s not gameplay sabotage, as the entire point of the system is to be usable for any reason.

I don’t have to, they’ve made it clear that it can be usable for any reason and it’s not gameplay sabotage.

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Give it time. They will someday if enough grief reports come in.

People can kick whomever they want whenever they want for any (or no) reason.

This can’t and won’t change.

It can’t be grief, though.