Trolls and Masks

So all the sources I can find, only state that Shadow Hunters use Rush’kahs and Masks of the Loas. Which I think maybe the same thing honestly.

But can anyone else find any sources that other Trolls “classes” use these? Had this random discussion and now its bothering me, like only Shadow Hunters are using these?

We see the use of voodoo/tiki/loa masks throughout troll culture, most commonly used and worn by the priests of Loa, witch doctors, shamans, and hexxers. We also see them animated as enchanted tikis in Zul’drak, Zul’gurub, and on Zandalar to server their troll masters.

The Bwonsamdi voodoo mask from archaeology says that trolls would don masks like it when praying to Bwonsamdi.
The loa champions in BoD all wear masks representing their loa.
We see two loa-infused masks in MoP belonging to two zandalari brothers, one mask that only serves the strong and that seeks to destroy the weak, and the other mask infused by an unnamed serpent loa. The brothers are an arcanital and spirit-binder.
Not to mention the majority of hexxer/witch doctor NPCs in-game have some form of voodoo mask on their face.
Zek’han wears a mask, as well do the other trolls in the bfa cinematic.
We’ve seen them adorn places as well like buildings/walls, and the Sylvanas book mentioned the Amani adorning their border marking monuments (which essentially large raised slabs of stone) with them, as well as performing sacrifices at those monuments.

There are even some animated voodoo/tiki masks as companion pets!
They’re called:
Wayward spirit
Sen’jin fetish
Enchanted Tiki Mask
Accursed Hexxer

But honestly, we don’t have a lot of lore about the more detailed use for the masks, but what we know is that they’re pretty much widespread in troll culture, and used for ceremonial purposes, to respect/represent the loa, magical use and even animating them.