Trolling will skyrocket because of one sub

We already have a glut of retail GD trolls here constantly trying to derail threads everyday. So when Classic launches, and classic-only players get access to the general discussion forum, we'll start having our own trolls sowing discord in the retail forums. Thereafter, as retail players start getting angry at classic players over this, the trolling on classic forums will increase in retaliation, which will then cause classic players to troll even more on the GD forum; in the end, a positive feedback loop of trolling will be created and all official forums will become unusable because of constant never-ending !@#$posting.

The only way to prevent this is to have solidarity with retail players by the time Classic launches, or else we will never have peaceful discussion on either side of the forums again. Make love, not warcraft.
Classic will have more players than retail... which will result in some very bitter retail nerds.

I agree, I think it's a mistake to have a linked sub.

You're going to get some hardcore trolls.
11/05/2018 12:24 PMPosted by Grimshroud
So when Classic launches, and classic-only players get access to the general discussion forum, we'll start having our own trolls sowing discord in the retail forums.
Why on earth would we be on the forums after Classic launch? We'll be playing the game. Who cares about forum trolls at that point?
11/05/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Bandulu
Classic will have more players than retail... which will result in some very bitter retail nerds.

I agree, I think it's a mistake to have a linked sub.

You're going to get some hardcore trolls.

Retail will have more players tbh.
On the other hand, them being the same account/same sub means that behavior violations in Classic will get their Retail account banned.

I don't think it'll be a big problem for very long once people realize that.
You guys keep saying "RETAIL" as though Classic itself isn't retail.
I mean if it is true to how hard Vanilla was compared to retail... good luck with that. Please come troll us on your !@#$ level 1 character so we can laugh at you endlessly for hours while we PvP at 60th level
LOL, just had the sudden realization that all their whiny calls for blocking access to people without subs ... well, everyone playing WOW: Classic who despises Retail will have FULL access to the General Discussion forum, the Class forums. Just think of all the reverse trolling in the form of nitpicking every new change. How would anyone know you're a WOW: Classic player instead of a Retail player, if you don't say?
Dude, literally, who cares about "trolls" exactly? I know your feelings and your nerves are stronger than that. You've suffered these forums for ages; I think you can suffer some 13-IQ idiot in General calling you names.

Please. Seriously. Wanting to pay extra per month to avoid subhumans who have no impact on you is being even more childish than they are. We'll be fine and they can't hurt us :/
11/05/2018 12:50 PMPosted by Aesui
You guys keep saying "RETAIL" as though Classic itself isn't retail.

It's not at this point. And, in fact, it won't ever be, since there's no box to purchase at a retail location. So "RETAIL" wins out because if you ask a retail store for WOW, they'll hand you a BfA box.
11/05/2018 12:50 PMPosted by Aesui
You guys keep saying "RETAIL" as though Classic itself isn't retail.

there isnt a great term for it tbh. you could say bfa, but the same stuff was true for wod and legion, and will be true for future expansions as well. a lot of people that refer to it that way probably have not played in years, and they see the recent expansions as being basically the same thing
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It’s my understanding that retail players post here because retail is so boring they’d rather spend their online time in forums rather than in game.

So this feedback loop you speak of will only happen if classic turns out to be as bad as retail.
11/05/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Bandulu
Classic will have more players than retail... which will result in some very bitter retail nerds.

I agree, I think it's a mistake to have a linked sub.

You're going to get some hardcore trolls.

I rather doubt Classic will have more players, but whether it does or not will have no effect on my bitterness levels.
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I honestly think trolling will go down on the forums once they lock out the non-subscribers.
11/05/2018 12:37 PMPosted by Thèón
11/05/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Bandulu
Classic will have more players than retail... which will result in some very bitter retail nerds.

I agree, I think it's a mistake to have a linked sub.

You're going to get some hardcore trolls.

Retail will have more players tbh.

Have you looked at the BFA numbers?

Have you looked at Blizzards stock reports?

Have you seen the hype for classic?

I don't have a crystal ball, but having played both, Classic is the superior product and people seem sick of retail in its current state.

Classic will beat Retail in current players.
11/05/2018 12:59 PMPosted by Bandulu
Classic will beat Retail in current players.
Some people think they are comedians.
General forum is literally a landfill.
11/05/2018 12:59 PMPosted by Bandulu
11/05/2018 12:37 PMPosted by Thèón

Retail will have more players tbh.

Have you looked at the BFA numbers?

Have you looked at Blizzards stock reports?

Have you seen the hype for classic?

I don't have a crystal ball, but having played both, Classic is the superior product and people seem sick of retail in its current state.

Classic will beat Retail in current players.

Vanilla WoW sucked compared to BfA. Sorry, but it's true. The only way Classic can be good is if it's based around WotLK instead of Vanilla.
11/05/2018 12:24 PMPosted by Grimshroud

The only way to prevent this is to have solidarity with retail players by the time Classic launches, or else we will never have peaceful discussion on either side of the forums again. Make love, not warcraft.

You're not going to create solidarity between 2 disparate groups of people who want 2 different things.

Now if they had separate subscriptions for both games, there's no issue since players could be restricted to posting only in the forums of the game they are subscribed to.

11/05/2018 01:01 PMPosted by Thundertotem
11/05/2018 12:59 PMPosted by Bandulu
Classic will beat Retail in current players.
Some people think they are comedians.

Oh, the other poster has it right. Blizzard has guaranteed that by giving all the modern retail players free access to Classic. It's a rare person that passes up a chance to play a game they're getting for free. They'll be playing both.

So modern retail get only modern retail players. Classic gets modern retail PLUS Classic players.

You need to stop and think things through.
11/05/2018 01:20 PMPosted by Thèón
Vanilla WoW sucked compared to BfA. Sorry, but it's true.

Sorry, but it's only true for those who hold that opinion.

I can't even say BfA sucked because I refused to buy it, but Legion was bad enough that two months in I cancelled my sub (though I played out the remaining time). A few months later I spent 7 free days questing in Deepholme and Draenor, not even bothering to do Broken Shore until my character was 102-103 because ugh. I spent the welcome back weekend making alts on multiple accounts and guilding all my characters, avoiding Legion content.

Compare that to Vanilla when I was struggling financially and yet managed to pay for my account and my son's account every single month, always finding a way because we both were that into it.

My truth (aka my opinion and what is true for me) is that vanilla WOW was absolutely amazing compared to BfA which couldn't offer enough to make me willing to spend money on it. I wouldn't even buy it if they offered it for US$5 as a holiday special. Yet I spent US$50 for the Virtual Ticket to get two sort-of-like vanilla zones in the WOW: Classic demo.