Troll Wish List


The main problem with troll lore is that instead of following up on old plot threads etc, they just make a new tribe of trolls or something like that, most of the time.
The Horde has the second-largest forest troll city in the world (Jintha’Alor). And we have heard nothing about it since cata, not during the Legion invasion of the world which supposedly attacked everywhere but we have barely heard of the impact for most zones, not during the faction war expansion and troll-focused expansion of bfa which would have been prime time for it to be mentioned, etc.


I would like some Loa based tattoo patterns for zandalari.
Some miniature idol jewelry/earrings. Like a cute small idol version of the zandalari druid aquatic form for necklaces/earrings would be cute.

Something cute/round like some symbols

These are nice but cute versions of these sort of statues/looks would be nice for jewelry.

Facial hair options would be appreciated as well as war paints for zandalari.

Warpaints definitely help enhance the look imo.

It would be nice to get to choose racial underwear too, especially for female models, when you use disguises to change from bodytypes the chestless looks don’t look so great sometimes on the other bodytype. So racial tops would be nice like the dracthyr have.

I would be excited to see some loa based tattoo and customizations. Maybe add some loa features as customizations, or mogs based on them. Would love to see some mogs based on some cool loas such as gral, As an addition to this idea some tribal mask mogs representing each loa would be cool to have. Preferred modeled for zandalari and darkspear trolls to look nice in, while other races can mog them, but modeled after these races specifically for good mog usage.

Loa based tattoos could be like some of the native mesoamerican languages/wriiten sort of symbolized looks, features of the loa such as tiger stripe tattoos, the face, the loa doing something magical, or a mix of the loas on the body would be awesome. Loa based warpaints on the head/body would also be fun. Would love to see blizz artists take on a warrior of gral, tranmog outfit with some set recolors, and body paint patterns that can represent the ferocity of a shark, bites, aquatic theme/magic, etc. If the zandalari could have a gral racial statue and new racial to choose I would love that too as well as the other loas we have met such as the mountain loa torcali.

More skin tones would be nice. I do hope we get something different some day. Like red skin, But red bodypaint would be lovely too.

Throwing this thread hear too.

This was a joke but funny.


You are confusing Vol’Jin with Zul’Jin. Vol’Jin is leader of the Darkspear and never fought the Sindorei before joining the Horde. Zul’Jin is the Amani who lead his tribe against the Elves in the Troll Wars before joining the Old Horde for a while.

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You are right! Thanks for pointing it out. Edited my post.

How about Zandalari skins and customization options on the regular troll model?
Zul is hunched over, why can’t the player character be?

Less focus; nearly every expansion had something for Trolls.

I have a troll hunter that is the counterpoint to this hunter (the horde version of my guy, you might say). I have a Ztroll druid as well, their forms are pimp but I just don’t play horde or druid currently. Will definitely be on tap in the future though.

I’d welcome any new troll customizations as the way my girls looks now, though very much okay to pretty cool, they do have more room to be even cooler.

I was so bummed when I found out that Zandi couldn’t be warlocks in BFA. These ideas would’ve been rad. Maybe in a future xpac we’ll get zandi warlocks and draenei warlocks.


I know at least a couple people who want a straight-back option for Darkspear men.
I think it would be cool to have a hunched option for Darkspear women too, just to have more options.

I would love a none hunched version of the base troll model.

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Trolls I would like to have the Forest Troll style model able to be used by players, instead of only a jungle variety or Zandalari. Also straight back options, details for tusks, jewelry for ears/body(both genders), less balding hair options for guys, tattoos(styles for each loa), different claw colors, and beards!


Let’s add an updated Echo Isles, Senjin Village and Valley of Spirits to the list. :}

It’s been said already, but troll beards.

Especially braided beards ala Vol’jin. My Shadow Hunter might be dead, but dammit I still want a beard on his ghostly chin!


I really miss the old troll look. I wish you would bring it back.

an option to toggle the hunch

Pretty good point

VOL’JIN. I’d like Vol’Jin back, the Horde has lost their teeth, our leaders are all weak by comparison to alliance leaders and a Loa Powered Vol’Jin is the only way I see to bring the power scales closer to balance. Not a faction neutral plot device. This character could bring so much potential to the narrative of The World Soul Saga if they actually brought him back and didn’t leave him on the back burner as some distant Loa. They never even told us who touched his spirit with Valor and made his ghost all restless and special.

Aside from that the rest of the list you made is chefs kiss. well done.

Be sweet if as a warrior when you pop Avatar you go full Dire Troll

Also the weapons often clip through our legs when we hold then since our hands line up with our shins