Troll Wish List

What are some things that you would really love to see trolls ( not zandalari ) receive in a future patch? Here is mine:

1) More troll lore
Expand on the tribes that are already in-game rather than come up with new ones. What have the members of fallen troll empires been doing? Has the Horde allowed any of them to join their ranks? Could there still be some sort of trollish uprising on the horizon? Maybe the Farakki have been scheming away or unaware they will soon have a sithlid invasion brewing on their doorsteps? Have the Amani accepted defeat or is there another who is determined to see this empire rise up? What have the Gurubashi been doing? Are the Drakkari truly all wiped out? Would LOVE to see some more lore in a future patch, or maybe even in a novel. Trolls have got to be one of WoW’s most beloved race. It’s time they get some more love!

2) Another troll raid and/or instance!
See above for possibilities onw hat could be happening with the other tribes. I would love to see another Caverns of Time-type dungeon going back in time during some of the major troll battles in Azeroth’s past. We could get a glimpse of what it was like for Zul’jin leading his people against the Sindorei ( before they allied with the Horde ) or the Gurubashi attacking Stormwind? What about a scenario where you’re trying to help the Mossflayer tribe defend itself against the scourge invasion? Or a non-horde-aligned Revantusk defending itself against Jintha’Alor and the Wildhammer? People like troll raids. I don’t make these things up, I state facts.

3) Beards for trolls.
Trolls are long overdue for this one. Vol’jin can’t be the only troll rocking a beard! It’s time we learn his secret.

3) Green ( Forest ) skin tone for trolls
Also long overdue on this one. If the reason for Blizz not giving us this option is they don’t want to suggest that the Amani joined the Horde, then what about those poor green Revantusk trolls? They’re forest trolls, therefore they ought to have access to the fabled green skin tone. Unless there is some real reason behind it why it’s not accessible in-game, it should be an easy addition.

4) More additional troll customization
More hairstyles, tusk styles ( including thicker tusks for females ), accessories, body/face paints. More hair colors too, please!

I didn’t add armor to the list as it looks like we’ll be getting some ( via the trading post I’m assuming) in the future. Though more is always nice! :eyes:

What other items or features would you guys like to see? Did I miss something?


Speaking of trolls.

It’s kinda sad that the Dark Trolls are extinct now. I think the Alliance killed the last Dark Troll in bfa for seeking refuge with the Zandalari.

I’d like to see a real blood troll option,not the current desert tans.


Need BLOOD TROLL. Customization done.


Upright back (like for orc) and the ability to wear boots

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you can wear boots already, be it only a handful.

hell, im wearing boots right now. i got it and a few others you can get from the trial of style

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Good news is there will be a blood troll outfit.

Bring back the Zandalari troll crafting materials from from the original raid zone. I have patterns still in my book, but no materials to make them.

Gimme steroid trolls!

:panda_face: :troll:


Makes sense. I always felt the blood trolls would make it somewhere more in-game. Just by introduction of them seemed solid.

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I want blizz to fix the belt issue on DS male trolls. Just like fem tauren, the belts cut thru one of their legs, only its worse. So many floating shoulders! It makes picking out a good mog very difficult. And cloaks just… idk they don’t sit right and aren’t long enough. Don’t even get me started on polearms and how the weapon part sits right next to their face and clips through an ear… Too late! BrM legendary looks so awful, I just can’t even

So basically I want blizz to fix xmog. Trolls amount for more than half my favorite characters. :confused:


Sounds scary for the loa. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:



I’m all for troll beards, it’s something they really need, but the mustache one looks cursed, trolls have never been depicted in any art or description in all of warcraft to have a mustache.

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looks at every expansion except the last two


Dire trolls (and the juiced up Orc equivalent introduced in WoD) should both be player options.


The main problem with troll lore is that instead of following up on old plot threads etc, they just make a new tribe of trolls or something like that, most of the time.
The Horde has the second-largest forest troll city in the world (Jintha’Alor). And we have heard nothing about it since cata, not during the Legion invasion of the world which supposedly attacked everywhere but we have barely heard of the impact for most zones, not during the faction war expansion and troll-focused expansion of bfa which would have been prime time for it to be mentioned, etc.


I would like some Loa based tattoo patterns for zandalari.
Some miniature idol jewelry/earrings. Like a cute small idol version of the zandalari druid aquatic form for necklaces/earrings would be cute.

Something cute/round like some symbols

These are nice but cute versions of these sort of statues/looks would be nice for jewelry.

Facial hair options would be appreciated as well as war paints for zandalari.

Warpaints definitely help enhance the look imo.

It would be nice to get to choose racial underwear too, especially for female models, when you use disguises to change from bodytypes the chestless looks don’t look so great sometimes on the other bodytype. So racial tops would be nice like the dracthyr have.

I would be excited to see some loa based tattoo and customizations. Maybe add some loa features as customizations, or mogs based on them. Would love to see some mogs based on some cool loas such as gral, As an addition to this idea some tribal mask mogs representing each loa would be cool to have. Preferred modeled for zandalari and darkspear trolls to look nice in, while other races can mog them, but modeled after these races specifically for good mog usage.

Loa based tattoos could be like some of the native mesoamerican languages/wriiten sort of symbolized looks, features of the loa such as tiger stripe tattoos, the face, the loa doing something magical, or a mix of the loas on the body would be awesome. Loa based warpaints on the head/body would also be fun. Would love to see blizz artists take on a warrior of gral, tranmog outfit with some set recolors, and body paint patterns that can represent the ferocity of a shark, bites, aquatic theme/magic, etc. If the zandalari could have a gral racial statue and new racial to choose I would love that too as well as the other loas we have met such as the mountain loa torcali.

More skin tones would be nice. I do hope we get something different some day. Like red skin, But red bodypaint would be lovely too.

Throwing this thread hear too.

This was a joke but funny.


You are confusing Vol’Jin with Zul’Jin. Vol’Jin is leader of the Darkspear and never fought the Sindorei before joining the Horde. Zul’Jin is the Amani who lead his tribe against the Elves in the Troll Wars before joining the Old Horde for a while.

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