The troll shaman that has the wooden mask… is that available in game? Can it be a mog? I just love his whole armor set.
Unfortunately, the only ones that I can think of off the top of my head are cloth:
For shaman, I think this is their only option:
It shouldn’t be too difficult to get (except maybe the mythic version), since Antorus xmog groups can blow through the place fairly easily. And being Horde, you can buy the red/yellow version from the PvP vendor in Legion Dalaran.
If you go into your collection tab, and make sure “not collected” is checked in the filters (in the top right of the window, I think) you can scroll through all the appearances that you don’t have. Maybe there’s more in there that I haven’t thought of.
Sad Panda.
You put some work in your reply and I thank you!
You will probaly get that set later as darkspear heritage set.
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