Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

No, because currently I’m working on my troll comic. I’m tired of waiting for proper Darkspear driven story, so I’m making my own.

And I designed her becuase I want to use her in the story but I’ll try to design others.
What is the next one you’d like to see?


Please share it when you’re done! Personally I’d like to see Ogoun since we’ve never seen him before and he’s based on an actual irl Voodoo Loa (Ogun) so there’s a tiny bit of art out there to draw inspiration from. You’d basically have full creative control and I bet you’d come back with something really cool. But as something of an artist myself I know it can be hard to work on something you’re not inspired to work on so I’d say do whoever you’re most excited to!


Troll comic? How far along is it? Anything that’s ready to share? What’s the premise? I’m desperate for some actually good Troll content lol.

Ye it’s my own storyline, where I will deffnietly will retcon Lukou and some Zandalari stuff.
But the premise is to give Darkspears their own agency, focus on their needs, what they need to do. Establish Dambala as equally important and influential Loa. And I didn’t publish it yet, and I wouldn’t even know where I should do it. I only post it to my friends on Dicord to get their feedback first. It’s ver sketchy comic to quickly move on with plot points.

It starts with Darkspears seeking out to get back one of their own exiles.

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Oh I’d love to check it out if you feel comfortable posting it somewhere. Please retcon everything lol.

If you have a discord I can send it to you in there.

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Thanks! I do have one, I’ll add you when I get home, I need to step out for a couple hours.

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They could have used the Blue Balance Druid Glyph form, would have looked great and with her nature ties it might have even made sense as a Loa for Druids.

She should’ve been associated with Resto shamans tho. Healing rain and all that stuff.


Yup, that’d make even more sense! There needs to be some kind of nature style/ life/water Loa tied to things like Druidism and Shamanism. It would have been even easier to make a Troll female blue than it would have been to make that creepy little podling since the Glyph to do it is already in game.

It’s so strange because they wouldn’t need to reinvent the wheel to depict her, she’s basically just a Troll chick. It took more effort to turn her into a joke than it would have to do it right:

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I need a spoiler, who is the exile?

New character that will serve as Darkspear special agent. :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Not enough new characters, I’m probably going to need another spoiler, idk if you’ve gotten this far but what is this agents mission going to be? Agents gotta have a mission

I only made 6 comic strips and at first you need to learn what kind of person he is and how he operates before you’ll learn where will he be involved and of what nature his “workflow” would be. And it’s something completely different, than entering a field and pew pewing everthing on the path.

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I can’t wait to check it out. When I do characters I sometimes let them write themselves too and react to the setting how I think they would based on where their development takes them. I hope you feel inspired to finish it soon!

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If you’ll add me to friends on Discord I’ll send it to you.

If we’re lucky they’ll surprise us with some touch ups today, if not hopefully they’ll care enough about their work to have them done by next Tuesday or maybe throw a few items in the Trading Post.

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The idea of that made me giddy, but last time I got giddy they ended up delivering this set so I’m trying not to get my hopes up

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Stick around here long enough and your giddytestines (that’s the giddy organ). Will eventually fail and need to be removed, giddytestines aren’t meant to be let down so frequently and so severely.

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