Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

After having to go through so much troll lore over the years… it is just payments for the pain and suffering of bad voice overs.


We can trade if you want, you guys can have my ugly AF worgen heritage armor any day. I’d take that troll one in a heartbeat!

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I don’t see the issues with it, aside from it hiding the troll nose. But if it’s combining the rush’kah mask look and the witch doctor cloth mask look, it’d have to.


Turning trolls into elephants was certainly… an interesting direction to take.


That’s probably what whoever made it was thinking too but it wouldn’t necessarily need to. Normally the tusks go right through the mask and it kinda just hangs on them, they also put those little diamond shaped plates on the sides of the wood, it could easily just hang on those.

On a human face having it go over the nose would be no problem but since we got these big ol noses it looks goofy. Had the mask not gone just between the tusks but around them and over the cheeks as well like one would expect, it wouldn’t look like an elephant trunk.


I guess this is what we deserve for sacrificing Mam’toth…


I miss Mam’Toth every day…

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According to Shadow Lands, shouldn’t all those Loas be hatching from their Wild Seeds soon and coming back to us?

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Add both as separate head items like the draenei hat having both masked and non-masked options

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Yup, that’d be cool, I love the idea of them being mixed, just not like how they did it. More options is always good, I just hope this isn’t a finished product, and judging by the presence of physics for the mask, I’d wager it is.


I’ll stick to my Sand Troll look.

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Too long; didn’t read, so I’ll just summarize my opinions of the set:

  • The earrings are weird, get rid of them.
  • The mask needs to be under the nose as in all concept art of Troll Witch Doctors and Shadow Hunters.
  • I’m hiding the right shoulder piece.
  • The gold snake on the left glove is out of place, and thus I’m hiding the hands.
  • The rest is good.

It looks fine. Be happy you’re finally getting your set.

Set is great, cloth mask needs to be moved to below the nose, like every troll in every other warcraft game wears them.
Nose needs to stick out. That’s the troll way. Fix it!

Also, we want beards.


Could be worse, you could be a Worgen lol.

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I think it looks mostly fine. I like the simplicity and asymmetry of the design, which suits Trolls. The only thing I’d like to see changed is the helm.

I was expecting them to get something gothic looking. What they got I can’t even describe.


I do like the heritage armor (Darkspear Trolls have literally nothing available to them) but I do fear for the Pandaren set now, which will be the ultimate destruction of the race.

:rofl: I count my blessings everyday that I’m not a Worgen


One of those reeeeal long Rokhan Warcraft 3 beards would be ideal!