Troll heritage? Lets go!

If troll heritage armor looks anything like sen’jin i will reroll troll instantly and with that being said, can we also get troll beards and upright trolls? Trolls are like the tallest playable race in wow but they look so small because scoliosis took over their entire male populous apparently


Even hunched over, I don’t think Trolls look small lol.
And I like them like it tbh, because when they do stand and flex they feel pretty menacing. If you see uprights on the regular then I would think it’ll make regular Trolls feel hunched and small.

Also the hunched over look makes them feel like they’re always on the hunt, stalking and ambushing.

But yes I’d love to see some armor like Sen’Jin. Or something plastered with that troll blood lust icon.


I understand what u mean but i kinda want my troll to stand like zul’jin. That dude scary af all the time. Im mostly hoping for the troll heritage to have a giant backpiece like trolls in wc3 and a sick facemask either like the ones the troll shamans/witch doctors use or the cloth face wrapping most of the cool trolls use in wow and wc

I hope it looks like that troll in the BFA cinematic that went toe to toe with Anduin and then got smacked down.

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Yeah that mask and shoulder armor with a massive back piece from wc3 is actually perfect

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Hopefully they honour Vol’jin and have a set much like what he wore:

Or even something like a Shadow Hunter set:


A shame I don’t have a Troll toon. I wonder if the Loa of Kings, Vol’jin makes an comeback.

I would love it if they awaken Vol’jin Loa and address the lore implications they created with Bwonsamdi / Mueh’zala. Either kill Mueh’zala off, redeem him, or do something so that the Troll Pantheon is in order again. But then, I think many would agree that anything that yeets the Jailer ( Aka Super Death from Family Guy ) further from Troll Lore, and shows they aren’t just a convenient filler for raids; is a good thing.


With Vol’jin being a loa, maybe the trolls could become a loa with the heritage armor… just a funny thought but it would be unique. :thinking:

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I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Here’s my wishlist!


I’ve wanted to dress like the vanilla concept art since… well vanilla. Most importantly, I want a loin cloth. I am sick of skirts that go all the way down to my ankles. I think visible legs is the aesthetic that suits the Darkspear.

The only thing missing from the image is a rush’kah, the ceremonial mask worn by Shadow Hunters. My shaman is in desperate need of a good mask.

I’d love it if Vol’jin came back, but my fear is that he’s going to lose his Shadow Hunter flavor and just start wielding light powers like some kind of troll Jesus or something. We have so many light users in the story, I’d hate for the most iconic troll character to lose the troll flavor and just be another bland yellow lasers type.

Part of what made trolls my favorite race is their culture and religion. They felt unique. The loa were and are super cool. Rezan using the light was a novelty because he’s a giant T-Rex. Vol’jin doing it makes it feel like he isn’t himself anymore, and that would make me sad. He got a shred of Rezan’s divinity. I am hoping it was just enough to bring him back, not completely overwrite his power set. Please let this man stay a Shadow Hunter. Just make him a super powered version of a Shadow Hunter.

I’m also hoping that the story doesn’t have the other tribes overshadowing us. I love the Zandalari, but I want the Darkspear to shine on their own.

While we are here, this isn’t exactly within the scope of the heritage quest but I want to put it out there, the Darkspears have the worst hometown out of all the core playable races. We’ve always had the worst hometown. I remember jousting in Wrath and feeling embarrassed to use the “of Sen’jin” title I earned because Sen’jin is a joke compared to every other city. Then we got Echo Isles back, and it’s no better! I’ve always wanted the Darkspear to get a proper city that was more than three tiny huts, and now with Bel’ameth being built and Gilneas coming back, it makes me wish even more that the Darkspear could get a cool city of their own too. If we can’t build Echo Isles into a proper home for the Darkspear, maybe we could retake Darkspear Isle someday. The sea witch the kicked us out is gone. Supposedly we could return. I would love to see what a full scale Darkspear city would look like, but we’ve never had one.

Also, make Shadow Hunter a hero spec for Shaman. There are many hero specs flavored after specific races (many of them elves), and there aren’t any troll flavored hero specs. There are also many WC3 heroes that are playable already or planned to be part of the hero talents. Why not Shadow Hunter? So many Shadow Hunter and Witch Doctor spells were given to the shaman class and helped define shaman as we know them. I think Shadow Hunter deserves a hero spec for giving us nearly all of its spells (only missing Big Bad Voodoo).

That’s my full wishlist for the Darkspear. I hope it Great-father Winter gets it.

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Honestly that’s why I don’t play any classes on the standard troll race for males! Hence the reason I went Zandalari for a few of them instead. Just by looking at the normal male trolls makes my back feel sore lol

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I like the slouched over look. It gives us character and lets us look lanky without looking like beanpoles. It gives us slinky jungle prowler vibes. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I wish the female trolls slouched too (like their alpha models) so they don’t look like Night Elves with baby tusks.

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Insert the 90% of WRA accord Troll RPers who will scream Hunter…
(Even though Hunters have zilch to do with Shadow Hunters and they are doing it wrong).

Give this man a job Blizz! He’s right on the money!


I can’t wait! I have two Darkspear Trolls. Hopefully this set looks good.

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I like heritage gear, but I generally like the quests more (most, anyways). Hopefully, our quest chain is a good one.


I have three Darkspears and a Zandalari prelate who is rocking the Zandalari heritage set, which looks especially good on his crusader’s direhorn. I’m mostly looking forward to the Darkspear armor for my shaman here, but I could see myself mix and matching and using different combinations of armor pieces on my other trolls as well. I could see my shaman taking the mask and kilt (if we get them, please Blizzard!), and my druid taking the chest and gloves.

It all depends on what the armor looks like. I really really want it to be great.