I decided to make a troll druid (because I guess I didn’t already have enough timerunner alts). I realised I didn’t know all that much about troll druids and their forms, apart from their fabulous cat form gracing the feral talent tree. Imagine my disappointment when I beheld this…
Come on, gang! We can do better than this! Why not a raptor or something? Or a tallstrider?
I agree, the deer forms are dudu.
I always change mine at the barber.
I agree, stag doesn’t really fit the troll theme.
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Personally, I just want to use my cheetah form, which gets overwritten when flight form is unlocked. If someone knows how to separate the two, I am all ears. I love cheetah form.
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Unfortunately you can’t separate cheetah, only stag form.
And the auto travel button was always a mistake when it removed other options. We told them this, vehemently, when it was being tested. They told us “we hear you,” then promptly ignored all of the backlash everywhere— including the mega thread on it.
There was no reason auto travel couldn’t have existed beside a dropdown menu of forms.
I’m in favor of trolls, night elves, worgen and tauren getting their own travel form
The allied races have their own, so why not the standard races?
My idea would be
- Troll: Rapotor from Durotar
- Tauren: Kodo
- Night Elves: Nightsaber or a new updated stag
- Worgen: wolf or horse.
Of course the jewelry and the painting shouldn’t be missing, because you have to know that they are druids 
A kodo would be AMAZING. I think moving forward with new druid forms, they will be more detailed and thematic with their designs. The Zandalari trolls are the perfect example.
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Worgen Druids Everywhere:
First time?
We have to turn into a cat to DPS and have no unique forms other than maned versions of Night Elf druid forms. I do wish Blizzard would revisit some of the older druid races forms and give them some love.
It’s too important to me that they feel and look like druids. Not like the forms Blizzard gave us in Shadowlands, that would be a bad example.
I can understand that it feels really stupid if Werewolf has to transform into a cat to cause harm. However, I like the designs of the worgen forms because they are unique, as well as those of the trolls, tauren and night elves because they were created specifically for these races. But there should be an alternative to the cat for the worgen.
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