Troll and Draenei Heritage..what are you thinking

What are you hoping for for the Draenei and Troll heritage armor? Quest-line and looks? -

I have a Draenei shaman lined up that I’m excited for but prob should level a troll.

I’m really hoping for a flexible look for draenei with a robe and pants variation. Many heritage sets lean strongly into one particular armor type (i.e. gnome set is plate armor). Draenei set should lean into the crystal aesthetic.

Troll set should be like a shadowhunter with skulls and feathers.

There are a lot of leather outfits on draenei on npcs that few actual draenei characters get to wear. I also like the draenei npc looks with mixed robes and plate.

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Just datamined:

That chunky style of belt always looks horrid on draenei so why it was designed as their heritage belt is beyond me. I’m also not a fan of the face covering on the troll, but I do like the feathers.

I just hope the pieces are separated in an intelligent manner so that you can use individual parts without random plates and straps attached to the wrong armor slot. I really like simplified transmog and using only specific parts of heritage sets.


The face of the troll armor looks ridiculous, like a damn loincloth.


Yeah I hope that part is optional. It’s the worst part of the set. It’s probably built into the whole headpiece though. :frowning:

Draenei armor is mid. The shoulders helm gloves and boots conflict with the chest legs and belt.

You have random cloth gear with protoss crystals all over the place that make it looks like you’re supposed to be popping out psi blades from your wrists.

Feels like a miss to me which makes me sad.

yeah at first i didn’t like the draenei set but kind of liking it now. I think it’ll be nice to hide one or both shoulders or swap pieces of the set out for other things. i wish the cloth covered more of the chest on the Draenei

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:man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5: DIZZAMN!! I would be mad asf if i were a Troll or Dranei both sets look horrible. The dev team needs to fire those FF14 artists :100::rofl::rofl::rofl::v:t5:

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Yep. I really hate those oversized belts. And belt buckles that extend to far out from the body. A sad thing because some belt buckles look awesome form the front but horrid from the side. Skyrim modders had put a lot of efforts into physics and collision surfaces. If that existed here, there would be collision surfaces on the body and outfits. Belt buckles would snap onto the body, hair does not clip with clothing but drape on top of the clothes etc. This will require more system resources thou. Collision surfaces would also allow quivers to not clip with backpieces.

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Yeah, not gonna lie. Not a huge fan. I mean the Troll one is fine if you don’t use the headpiece - seriously what the Dickens? - but the Draenei one really feels low effort. Like I’m glad they leaned towards the Shaman aspect of the race but this is not a great look.

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Yeah, I’ve always opted to exclude really chunky belts like that when creating sets myself. I was just remembering how I didn’t really like how the mage set looked on my female draenei this season (big clock) and although the design is really cool, it looks out of place on their character models, like her waist disappeared and it looked more sacklike. So if something like that is designed for a race in particular, it seems like an odd choice. I don’t really like a lot of the more extreme 3-D transmog trend as it is, but I know everyone complains about the “painted on” look. I wish there was more of a middle ground. And I agree, I wish they could allot more resources into those collision issues and character model specific issues with mog and weapons. I do really like the drape-like tunic aspect of their set, though.