Troglofrog Stats

I’ve seen this a few times, and I’m looking at it right now.

There are some very strange stats that are showing up on this particular pet. But only sometimes.

At this moment, I’m engaged in a pet battle with a Troglofrog, Poor quality. Level 25, Health: 83, Power: 10, Speed: -12. This is apparently not a misrepresentation of the pet’s ability. Any attack on it that deals more than 83 points of damage will kill it.

But I have Grumpy in my lineup, so I can still catch it.

I caught the pet, and it is now a Poor quality, level 23, H:100, P:12, S: -11.

I put it in my line up, with Sandstorm from Anubisath Idol active, and it was one-shotted by 200 points of damage.

ETA: I just now leveled it and blue stoned it.


Rare quality, level 25,

  • H: 100
  • P: 16
  • S: 0.

I shall conquer worlds with my mighty Troglofrog pet!

Who wants to duel? My Troglofrog against your Elekk Plushie!

Do you have several hours?


Rare-quality wild ones don’t seem to have this problem. Hunt around for one. Diamond Crabs are a harder to find pet, only found a couple, but they have all been rares and for some reason this makes the other critters rare, so there’s a higher chance of finding a rare troglofrog with a diamond crab.

It has nothing to do with quality. At this moment, I’m now engaged in a pet battle with a Common quality Troglofrog, H: 1045, P: 196, S: 241. Looks to be an S/S breed, once I blue stone it.

That’s weird. I caught one yesterday that is poor quality - S/B - Speed 193.

I did notice as well that sometimes I was one-shotting some of the poor frogs. I put it down to crazy crits. Never thought it might be bugged, heh.

The wonky stats have apparently been corrected. The Troglofrogs I caught previously have been “stat-corrected.”

There are several breeds a creature may have, and they are internally marked with a number between 3 and 22.
I had someone dig a bit more, and it seems that one of these breeds (presumably the one known to us as B/B) was set to 0 instead.

There was a hotix tonight in regards to the Trogolofrog:


  • Trogolofrog no longer can spawn with an empty breed.