Triplicated favorite recipe / Can't remove

On my main tailor I had a couple of recipes favorited (Hexweave cloth/bag, Imbued Silkweave cloth/bag, etc.). Upon logging in on DF pre-patch, I see that ‘Imbued Silkweave bag’ is listed 3 times in the ‘Favorites’ section, and I cannot remove it. I have removed every other favorite but this one I cannot. Possibly related to the original recipe having 3 ranks?

I tried to see where Favorites are stored but no luck. I also disabled all addons and the issue still persists: the Imbued Silkweave bag recipe shows up thrice and cannot remove any of them.

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Having the same issue with Engineering recipe Auto-Hammer. Minor annoyance, but an annoyance all the same.

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Same issue for me too with alchemy, except that I can not remove any of the “Favorites”, they’re all permanently stuck there in triplicate. And if i minimize the favorites, upon creating any one alchemic item, it forces unhides the favorites again, so not only can I not remove them, I can’t even hide them.

Do all of your favorites correspond with recipes that have 3 ranks? I’m guessing (though I could be wrong) that only the recipes that have 3 ranks are affected by this.

You are correct, I just checked, and all the recipes that are triplicated under “Favorites”, have the ability to be upgraded to a level 3. Now, not all the ones in my favorite list have been upgraded to level 3, some of them are still at level 2, but they’re still listed three times. I can’t figure out where to report this to actually get someone from blizzard to fix it. I reported a bug, but as it says in the fine print when you submit a bug, blizzard doesn’t respond to bug reports so it’s probably just been buried in the abyss of bug reports, never to be acknowledged or fixed. And none of the other “support” options are relevant for this issue. Argh!


I had the same problem. If you click the Star Icon next to the recipe name in the larger field, instead of from the left side bar it should remove the triple favourites from your sidebar.


You, person from the Internet, are a genius. This indeed works. Re-favoriting the recipe still makes it show up three times, so the bug is still there. But at least we can ‘unfav’ them to de-clutter the UI.


Thank you SOOOO much

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Beautiful! Thank you so much! You have ended a 2 week cycle of frustration and anger. LOL Peace out!

TYVM for this

Holy crap! You’re my hero!!

Thank you so much for this. I had “Magical Intrusion Dampener” favorited in Engineering, but it doesn’t show up 3 times. It shows up 12 times. :frowning:

thank you!!!

You’re my hero, this has been the bane of my existence for months.

This should be pinned or highlighted as a solution or something, thank you very much!