Trinket + spell macro?

I seem to be having trouble with my macro, all i want to do is use my trinket and cast avatar,

#showtooltip Avatar
/use 13
/cast Avatar

what am I doing wrong? it only uses the trinket and doesn’t activate Avatar, no matter the spam


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Your trinket is on the GCD. It’ll need to be used separately.

why does it not work even after being pressed when GCD is finished? I spam the macro just to be told item is not ready yet - should it not cast the next thing on the list? Avatar doesn’t get cast at all - I understand them not working simultaneously but shouldn’t they both get cast if I spam the macro? Isn’t that the point of a macro? to not have to put 10000 things on the actionbars?

because anything that can trigger the GCD tries to trigger the GCD each time it attempts to cast, otherwise you’d just be able to

/cast spell 1
/cast spell 2
/cast spell 3

and It’d cast 1 if off cd, then 2 if off cd, etc. and Blizz doesn’t want that.

You can use us a modifier for it e.g.

/use [mod] 13; Avatar

The above is wrong that you need a different button because it is on cooldown.

Do the following

So. Let’s say. You want trinket and chaos bolt. And you want the button to work even if trinket on cooldown. Ez!

#showtooltip Obsidian Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity
/cast Obsidian Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity
/cast [@target] chaos bolt

There you go!

  1. You’re replying to a thread from 4 years ago.
  2. In this particular instance, the trinket in question was on the GCD and therefore couldn’t be combined with other abilities. If it was off the GCD then it would have worked with the macro the OP posted.

Awesome, it worked very well.

The usage of the macro with /use and /cast together didnt worked as expected, but as you posted it worked pretty fine.

/cheers :hugs:

Hey dude, just wanted to say thanks for this comment. Still coming in clutch a year later!

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