Trinity and PW:S changes

I think you might be overstating things a little bit. At one point, atonement was a passive that healed through damage with effective 100% uptime and no maintenance whatsoever, and Blizz balanced around it.

I’m sure it could be balanced in any number of ways (a cap, mana costs, tweaking pass-through %, DPS changes, etc. etc.). Not sure why the spec has to be ramping so often - does that make the gameplay more fun?


when this was true our damage only healed 1 person at a time not 17+

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True enough - let myself get nostalgic for MoP disc, where atonement was a relatively minor part of the spec for lower damage phases - and disc had access to a whole, fully functional healing toolkit.


Yeah they are bound and determined to have everyone in pvp be a guardian Druid boomie or resto! F every other class ever


I know. I was there :slight_smile: But As emmery already said it healed one person and atonement helped your healing whearas now atonement IS the healing.

I take issue with this. What you mean is we dont have access to holy spells like we used to. We have out own kit now. I dont need to list it because i presume you know what it is. But its a full kit, just different then holy was. Saying that we are now getting some holy back so i presume you should be happy

Saying all that. Cata-Mop, WoD etc. atonement healing was smite etc and it lacked. There was no player skill in that. smite = healed. Im not dissing back then because it was back then and i had a lot of fun, but disc has evolved and we must evolve with it. We are unmatched in burst raid healing. Unmatched. If you can play disc properly. Which is the key issue and why people want old disc back, cause it easier then and a lot of people struggle to play current disc with enough profficiency.

I under stand nostalga. I played vanilla in the day. I way prefer to level in classic then retail. I also think 80’s 90’s music is better then post 2000 where its all same same. I get it. Time moves on sadly

Still no update on Trinity being changed. Hopefully the devs haven’t forgotten about it.


I hope the devs aren’t just leaving trinity as it is and this is how it’s intended by them to work.

Don’t worry, either right before or couple weeks in, they will realize they forgot it, and some dev who has never played priest for more than an hour will “fix” it by making a talent no one ever takes.

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Still no fix in sight

QQ :(. RIP disc priest RBGs.

I’m not stressing over PvP talents and balance yet.

I think part of the reason we are getting SoloQ during prepatch it because it’s going to give the devs a lot of info for balancing purposes so I’m expecting most PvP hotfixes immediately prior to launch.

Hopefully they can change this still as after trying it out the talent is too clunky to use with a cd.

Saw they remembered we have PvP talents and nerfed Ultimate Radiance today… maybe they can look at Trinity again and do something.

Along with a mana nerf. Lost all respect for priest team.

Dark side still doesn’t work with shadow covenant…. Hehe HELLOOOOOOO PRIEST TEAM!!! Someone wake them up. :rage::cloud_with_rain:

Since it’s getting obvious they don’t plan on changing Trinity, how about just replacing it with something else?

I don’t think you want to be attracting any Blizz attention at the moment. I hadn’t even realized how many nerfs were starting to be applied to the healing priests, especially holy - Jesus I didn’t even notice Benediction slipping from (originally 30%) to 25% in Shadowlands… and then to 15% in DF and then to 12% in some midnight surprise, besides the across the board 5% nerfs. And poor Empyreal Blaze and Mindgames and well, a lot of DPS options…

(I know the bene nerfs were probably made in light of the weird decision to throw 7 different PoM buffs into the tree… but if you’re stealing throughput from bene to put it into these other talents, uh, maybe you should’ve only had 1-2 PoM talents in the first place and not made the proc so rare that it starts being unreliable).

Being ignored is what you want to be as a healing priest right now. Disc has a lot more to lose if you look at the numbers. I think they dialed it back after the Evang outrage but I bet they’ll find another moment to bring more nerfs b/c if holy was deserving all these nerfs, disc is due for being nuked from orbit by comparison).

Been a while since we looked at Trinity, anyone tried using it lately or is it a dead pvp talent?

I’m not a priest and even I agree…

Its a dead talent and disc feels so much worse now compared to last expansion for RBGs. Its sad to see this happen. Ill probaby take my priest to 1800 for the transmog and stop there.