Trillion dollar company btw

Good thing you don’t run a company if that’s your thinking.

Yes, I’m a business goat. $8 for 5 kicks, you get a discount.

I like how this is completely a joke and even knowing that just reading it made my brain stroke out for a second.

You guys never worked for big companies before ? Every project has budgets , its not free for all infinite money access… why you think theres been a bunch of layoffs and stuff at blizz cuz they got a budget im sure by your theory a Trillion dollar company can afford to pay them

quadrillion dollar company.

I thought my response was sarcastic enough I didn’t need the /s.
Also, the GIF !

Ah i shoulda known haha

Eh, a lot of those non-profits, though they do help, are mostly for tax write-offs and loopholes and social appearances. I put zero stock into wealthy people donating to charity. It’s more for themselves.

None of these are fun at all. Its almost like you knew that and said it anyway. Im going to DM you the Wikipedia page.


If you stacked all of that in $1 bills it would be over halfway to the moon

They are too big to fail, therefore they don’t need to deliver quality goods.

What’s sad is when you hear 30-40 year old people say it cause as they will say they are “hip with the kids”. Same goes for the whole kekw, the tism that starts with A for an insult or the multitude of other stuff that gets thrown around.

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i feel broke now :frowning:

I hope they gut the game just so the complainers really have something to complain about

It would fall over long before you got it up that high.

Lol New World… What a flop.

Disney is now buying Activision Blizzard. You may panic now.