Trill Explained His AWC-Winning Build for Sub Rogue

Apparently, instead of copying the usual PvP builds for sub rogues, Trill looked at the top single target builds for PvE. Then, he customized his build from there.

He won this week’s AWC with a PvE-based build.


Any askers


That’s how they killed a demo lock through all their defenses. Buff soul link back to 10% blizzard!


:frowning: rude

i like when people post content about AWC


I do think there’s a real problem with people not willing to try their own stuff. Certainly not a new problem, but it is always funny when a single person does something new that does well and all of a sudden you see nothing but that on ladder even though there were no balance changes.


i’m fairly certain he’s been playing the single dance build for a while now, but i don’t remember if he played dark brew prior to this week

i figured the damage on a dark brew build would be kinda nuts especially with gloomblade and tea but losing double dance and vanish CDR is a tough choice for the average ladder player

that being said, it does appear this past week’s secret tech nerf did nerf it just enough to make the rotten build not as crazy damage wise so you really are choosing between a utility build and a damage build currently

and if more people play the damage build, it’s harder to play and less annoying to deal with so win win

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I was impressed he didn’t copy Pikaboo, the legendary rogue main.

Trill was comfortable going his own separate way, even if his team lost a few games while he got more experience with it.

Imagine if your teammate told you, “Hey everyone, I’m not using the normal PvP build. I made this custom one from PvE.”

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I dont mind the awc crap but when they say a streamers name i start foaming out the mouth

the tweet style phrasing you choose to perform is visibly inauthentic. you are not getting away with it

they won cause boomy is busted, and cause they have the most versatility. they find out whats good and they practice it a ton.

Anyone know how to find the top performing, single target builds for each spec in PvE?

Asking for a friend…



Last time I tried to run something off-meta my healer brought it up every single queue session :joy: guess I can’t really blame people for wanting the best chance of success, but it definitely feels a little bad that experimentation is widely discouraged


It’s funny because those very people that are going to copy trill are going to fail using the build because he used it for specific reasons.


People get too focused on blaming losses on various factors including off meta talents and the like but if you’re not pushing the highest ratings looking at your basic gameplay will almost always be the answer outside of some really troll talent picks.


How are we gonna pretend cdew rage swapping comps is successful, it’s been everything but up until now and trill deserves credit for most of that being an insane player if not the best in the world from an overall wow stand point.

I was happy to hear Trill was able to find success playing with a non-standard build that more closely fit his playstyle. That’s the promise of the new talent trees actually being realized.

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a sub rogue will just play ping pong with you and your cooldowns. they have more cooldowns than you do.

once you are out of cooldowns they stun and pve you down.

now thats what i call EPIC GAMING