Tried FF14 for 2 full days

My god how is this still ongoing…


To be fair it will probably end here. I’m not replying to him until he finishes what he started.

I didn’t even stop you to respond everything, even the very minor stuff i’ve said, like jokes, inspirational quotes and such. I only suggested you to answer the stuff i wanted to be answered.

I don’t know why you even bothered to responded all of these inspirational quotes i just literally pulled from that website i’ve pulled. They are not important to respond at all and your just seriously wasting your time on them trying to prove some weird spiteful point…

Plus you don’t even understand some of them or what message they are trying to get across to begin with. Why should i hold your hand on something that is so brain dead easy to figure out with that fairy tale quote?.. :man_facepalming:

… Then again, you are the same person who thought your racism example was perfect… :point_down:

…So nothing surprises me anymore…

You know, i was honestly going to leave it at this here since he wants to waste his time responding to inspirational quotes that i didn’t even create. (Like seriously, some of his “legit” questions are acting like i said it in genuine sincerity. He doesn’t even understand some of them… How am i suppose to trust what he said is “perfectly legit”… ) :point_down:

I mean their a waste of time anyways… to quote inspirational quotes instead of giving actual arguments or any sort of substance… :point_down:

I think he’s just content with wasting my time anyways to prove some spiteful point. Which is why i’ve ended it there.

Incase if your wondering where it all began Oedon, here’s my response to Matthew’s comment so we can get this topic back on track…

Put simply, the whole “You really haven’t played X” argument is just simply biased and arbitrary…

…And as i said before, OP’s thread isn’t a review. It’s just a casual first impressions.

Put simply, that isn’t true, and the OP was trying to do more than give “impressions” - it was a charged post designed to trash a competing game based on no viable experience whatsoever.

If you for example only played Guild Wars 2 for only 6 hours, and if i have to be put into the position of saying “You really haven’t played Guild Wars 2”, i would at least follow up with a suggestion of what qualifies as “played” (despite you objectively have been playing for 6 hours), like reach max level and give endgame content 2 days the very least before thinking about spending more time, or more importantly, money on it. This is all assuming you would take my suggestion to begin with.

The difference being, is if you don’t like it and stopped, i will understand and respect your decision by not trying to shame you for not trying it any further. You gave it a try, you didn’t like it, and you’re not going to continue any further. Time (and money) is finite after all, and time (and money) would be better used spending on something you know you already enjoy or going to enjoy, then gambling on if you can enjoy on something you initially disliked.

My problem is, and this isn’t just Matthew’s comment, but the comment in general is, you never (if any rarely) see this comment being made if it’s somebody liking the game in that short amount of time like OP put in. Which is why i called it biased. Let me ask you something, if i come out and tell you i loved FF14 in the same time i put it in, would you tell me i need to put in more time before i decided on my opinion?.. For the sake of consistency?

OP was trying less then give “reviews”. This is simply a casual opinion on the internet. Something that is fairly common.

I say this because… what signifies a review in OP’s thread to begin with?.. It’s just him saying “OH it’s trash” and such, it doesn’t go in that deep as a review would. I would like to think you don’t think that’s what the standard should be for even baddly written reviews, because saying the word review implies that it goes into details and such of how everything comes together and see how well it does for them.

Sure, All reviews are opinions, but not all opinions are reviews. My opinion on FF14 isn’t a review, and neither is OP’s.

And the reason why i bought up my opinion on this is because i put in less time then OP did (Though with more words put into it), but nobody had an issue with it like they did with OP. Which is strange to me, because at the time of writing that, i was expecting to get some backlash over it because this game does cause such a division over this community, but so far, it’s been relatively dead with 2 comments that aren’t inflammatory in the least, and more understanding (not to be confused with agreeing). Meanwhile i’m overhere, racking my brains at wondering how OP get this much … annoyance … over something that is just a casual meritless opinion at best.

…Even if this is a review, built from most people’s standards based on this thread, what is it hurting exactly?..

Scroll up. This guy knows exactly what it was. No point even responding to him.

Oh, I know. I’m ignoring the wall of text. Just wanted to point out he was wrong :slight_smile:

Leaf to be honest…you both have hijacked this poor man’s (or trolls) thread.

I’m well aware of my sin. But you cannot seriously believe it would be any better if i weren’t here poking him? Not saying i’ve made things better, saying they aren’t any worse.

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You told me i was wrong so i’ve explained my point a little better. It’s not my problem that you choose not to read a 2 minute long comment. :man_shrugging:

He didn’t do anything to OP’s thread that resembles “Hijacking” either. He just commented.

Define “hijacking” first off, because i’m pretty sure it’s not just “having a ton of comments on a thread”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…Why you felt the need to defend Matthew in the first place anyways? Or treat as if i’m defending OP?.. If the problem was ever was “you didn’t explained well enough”, then the previous comment i made to Delmen, perfectly articulates and explains why i disagree with this idea and therefore, with Matthew’s comment.

Yes i do know what it was, A casual meritless opinion that doesn’t meet the criteria of a review in any sort of real way.

I’m still racking my brains over how people think casual opinions on the internet are reviews. Do people look at comments like “This thing sucks! I hate it, and if you like it, your an idiot” as a formal review on something like The Escapist, Gamespot, Poloygon, and so on and actually take them as if they are meant to be taken seriously?

Actually, don’t answer that. I’ve already found those people… :man_facepalming:

And once more I see the FF defense team is hard at work making the game’s player base seem laid back and non-judgmental

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I used to think the same, then I played it.

The community is day and night. We just don’t believe it can be that way after years of abuse.

Seriously a guy died and asked in world chat for a ress. Like 10 people asked him where he was and offered to help. I joked they just wanted to steal his kidneys. Honestly didn’t know what to say seeing that. WOW hasn’t been like that since Vanilla.

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I tried it, but I don’t have time to mess around with the early game. Plus, for me, the MMO genre is pretty similar and I don’t need another time sink like that.

But threads like this are a bit of a turn off on the community. It’s someone talking about their personal preferences in games and how FF doesn’t mesh with that. You don’t need to prove that wrong, no game is going to make everyone happy with it, and a game that tries to is gonna be a mess.

Right now, FF14 does not respect the time of a new player. I’m always amazed that they have yet to do something to improve on the early gameplay, that’s like your first impression of the game as a new player, and it could use some trimming and reworking to put its best foot forward. But that’s a problem a lot of MMOs seem to have. Just do something like find a way to throw in a taste of some of the stuff people rave about in the later game into that starter experience to let people get a taste of what that’s like.

But, I mean, the point still remains that for some reason they’re leaving the starter experience as what the community seems to acknowledge is the weakest portion of the game, that just means more people are likely to bounce off of it. And that happens, and it’s ok. Everyone has their own tastes in games and one person’s taste not lining up with yours is not a good reason to flip out.


Thank you for saying that. I swear everytime I mention the early game as one of the major reasons I gave up on ff years ago after two hours of trying it the ff fanboys come out of the woodwork like clockwork and start bombarding me with insults and all sorts. Constantly spewing that I have to get to the first expansion for the game to become fun.

I’m sorry but if I have to slog through a hundred plus hours of tedious; brain dead boring just to get to the fun part than im not going to bother. God forbid though you tell that to ff fanboys. They’ll have an aneurysm if anyone says something even remotely negative about thier precious game.


Honestly, it should be important no? The starter experience is the MMO’s first impressions for people and if the first impressions are terrible for them, they might not want to stick around.

Yeah, that’s not good for people to try to goad other people’s money out like that. :grimacing:

I agree. The Fun part should be at the beginning. Not 100 hours later.

It’s why i’ve linked the video at the beginning, because the fun parts should be at the beginning and thoughtout to the end of the MMO.

And it’s not just FF, I’ve had a few I’ve given up on as the starter experience was too repetitive.

And I’m somewhat amused about the preview screen on that video. My experience with Warframe has been more that it starts strong and then you run into getting tired of grinding and such. I have some guesses as to what that’s about, but that game also can get the defensive fan base. Hoping the New War is interesting when it hits.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but it is an “old school” game. The developers admitted they hadn’t played an MMO since EQ when they started working on FF14. That is very evident. Apparently it gets better in later expansions.

IMO, they do a lot of great stuff that I hope Blizzard pick up but I agree with everything you said.

The community aren’t toxic … until you are critical of their game. It’s like a cult.


Yup. After mentioning things I didn’t like about ff14 and stating that if the devs changed those issues I and I’m sure many others might consider giving it a change again, I’m immediately bombarded with toxicity and hate after just being told the community was the nicests ever and extremely welcoming.

The reactions I got are a tell tell sign of those people growing up in such a sheltered bubble being told they’re special and unquie and everyone agrees with them and the world is all sunshine and lollipops, only for those same kids to grow up, walk out into the world and be blasted by the reality of life.

So because they spent their lives being lied to they react in the only way they know how. Insults and even violence.


That’s all fanbases.

WoW folks do the same… usually less legibly, tho…


Oh I agree. I’ve seen the cod fanbase, its pretty bad.