Tried FF14 for 2 full days


Like seriously mate. How’s my posts took away your ability to read them? It’s almost comical at this point. :laughing:

“OH bari, your posts are WAY TOO LONG!!! NOBODY READS THEM!!!”… while shouting at a very very very short comment i’ve made… Oh help me crocodile jesus. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m Irish American, actually I’m just American cause that’s what we Americans are.

But I still do like shepherds Pie.

Guinness is also very good.

This discussion on the previous comment that is still waiting to continue… anytime practically… :point_down:

Well I got him to make a short post. It was a meme.

Mate, you do realize my posts are only long because of the format i’m using to respond to comments, right?..

Bored. / 10

What, now you can’t even actually respond to short posts?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No you can but again you derailed this thread by being a troll. I keep feeding you because I’m bored. I thought we already established this.

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How’s being pro-consumer and anti-fanboy trolling?..

That’s your subjective opinion.

Anywho, if your ready to continue this discussion… :point_down:

To be fair, I do enjoy eating some French onion soup. Care to try some?

Oh okay, so you’re a “rules for thee, not for me” kind of guy. Suddenly this all makes sense now… :slight_smile:

…assuming it was ever surprising. :roll_eyes:

How about some French fried potatoes?

I think Sam wise like Potatoes.

This discussion… still waiting… anytime… as soon you stop being allergic to long posts and going off topic… :point_down:

No you don’t like Potatoes?

When you troll a troll, he’ll troll forever.

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Kind of makes me wonder why you ever complained about me going off-topic (though i’m doing more to try to go back on topic, yet you refuse too), and yet go off-topic yourself… :thinking:

Eventually I will get bored trolling the troll, but right now it’s fun seeing him keep going and going. It’s like the energizer bunny.

The guy obviously has something wrong with him. You’re probably going to give him an aneurysm or something.

…You just literally admitted to trolling me my dude. … :neutral_face:

I’m trying to get this discussion back on coarse after you complained to me about it, and your trying so hard to be off-topic. :confused:

Which is right here… :point_down: