Tried evoker healing

I used to max out all the healers, quit after doing that in Shadowlands and just now returned. I leveled a holy priest and resto druid to 70 so far. I tried an Evoker, got her to Stormwind and back to the isles and healed one instance. I had a wipe due to dps standing in the blacksmith’s fire. The healer is OK, but not exciting. I don’t seem to have a speed buff to keep up unless I missed it. I can’t say it’s terribly impressive. I guess it works ok. I am kind of leaning towards Mistweaver as my main healer this time around. What is the overall consensus on Preservation?

I had the best time of my life as preserv in DF.
Have not tried yet in TWW.
I think i prefer range healers over close combat healer though.
Evoker is between though

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One of the most fun healers with good damage ability, very strong throughput, and if not the best healer toolkits the 2nd best.

Rescue should be used in that scenario to force the dps out of fire

But all options are good options. Dragon is by far the most fun and complete healer spec imo


Sounds like you didn’t really figure out all the little tricks and combos that preservation can do. I’d argue Pres is the most interesting healer in the game just because of how you can choose to build up your combos.

As far as movement and speed buffs goes the spec has a lot of tools for that. You can talent into having Hover give a speed increase. You can talent into hover having 2 charges and then talent into Time Spiral to give you another charge of Hover. Verdant Embrace moves you to someone and then you have Rescue which will also move you and another person to a destination of your choice.

The class can zoom and the heals go bloom. It’s been my favorite since I made one. I implore you to give it another shot before just putting it down for good.

By combos, do you just mean prepping heals with Echo? Or you mean putting three spells in Stasis?

Talented properly, your verdant embrace will considerably boost you next dream breath.
Temporal anomaly echoing all your team, VE with lifebind and emerald communion will heal all your party for a LoT

Prevoker is one of my favorite healers. It’s very flexible.

But it’s a combo based healer. One heal on its own won’t be much, string a couple together and they get a lot stronger.

Mechanically, it’s a lot to do with verdant embrace and echo.

Verdant embrace does two things. It applies lifebind, which shares healing between you and the targets, this effect can be replicated with echo. It will also increase the healing of your next dream breath by 40%, or your next living flame by 100% (not consumed by the extra ones from leaping flames or afterimage).

Then there’s echo, which duplicates everything.

A popular combo is Temporal Anomaly (+however many echos you want to manually throw out) → Verdant Embrace → Emerald Communion, and this is a good raid cooldown.

Or perhaps you want some strong blanket healing. You can just VE → TA (+echos) → Dream breath

Or maybe the tank’s health is getting spiky and you happen to be talented into Golden Hour. Echo → Reversion

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I’m surprised you decided to make a post about it after obviously putting so little effort into the class. You aren’t going to understand all the nuances of the spec after doing just one dungeon, nor did you bother to go through your spellbook, otherwise you would have found hover. Preservation Evoker is one of the most fun healers to play imo, and our throughput is great.