Tricks of the Trade Cancelaura Macro Help

I’m maining affliction this expansion which highly benefits from rolling over damage % and Crit % through the initial corruption via the damage percent modifier from tricks and a wild magic pre pot on pull.

However, I’ve ripped threat several times and died, and I was told on the lock discord that the rogue needs to use a cancel aura macro to remove the second part of the ability which transfers threat. As this must be used on pull to rollover this modifier with the pre-potted wild magic, it’s so easy to rip threat if this transfer goes through, so can any rogues here share what macros (and how they implement the Marco in their rotation) to help me help our rogue?

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His first tricks could be used on the main tank to help establish threat, the subsequent ones going to a dps as it is only a 30s cd. But it is less threat than a misdirection and generally not an issue, you can also ask for a salv.

Found what you wanted in the rogue disc though:

/cancelaura Tricks of the Trade
/cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade

(Zavo) Copied from Sinonize’s discord.
This one casts Tricks at your focus target. Careful with this one though - the “cancelaura” portion is not smart - it will cancel any buff named Tricks of the Trade. If you are receiving tricks from another rogue, this can cancel the damage buff they give you. If you double tap this macro before attacking anything, it will cancel your tricks entirely and not even give the damage buff to anyone else. You need to press this macro once, then attack something, then tap it again once Tricks has “activated” to cancel the threat transfer portion of the spell.


Thank you!

Ty for looking for this lol

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