Participated in the “Trial of the Flood” event quest. Killed all waves, had trouble with the last so left the area but killed the elite. Quest said “Completed” and the last step said “Loot the Chest” but no chest was present.
Item used to initiate quest is no longer present, so I can not repeat.
EDIT: I found another chest on Windsong Rise, I clicked on it and it disappeared, and now I immediately get disconnected when attempting to log in at that spot. I waited an amount of time I thought was appropriate to fail, and now I can log in again, but the chest is gone.
I just had this happen to me. I did all the waves, and the chest immediately disappeared before I could loot it.
This is happening to me as well. I am there for the event, but nothing ever pops up and I cannot loot. I put in a ticket and they told me there’s no record of me killing it.
I’ve done this event now 6 times, and each time the same result: no visible chest.
I’ve tried it solo vs group. No difference. In a group of 4, 2 were able to see and loot the chest, and 2 were not.
I’ve done both getting the loot tag vs. not. No difference.
This bug seems to only affect certain characters and not others, so not sure what’s causing the issue.
Just happened to me as well right now. Waited about two hours for the event to start, fought the droplets and raging torrent when it spawned, and was unable to loot the chest
I’ve put in a ticket and I have a screenshot of my details showing the damage I did to the raging torrent and furious deluges 
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After jumping shards a couple of times and killing it on my own server, I couldn’t get the Scenario to start for me. Got tags on all the waves, and joined the group of some random that was participating (3 people total so it wasn’t a tagging issue) but still couldn’t loot. The chest was never interactable and disappeared. I was first in the area when it spawned. I have killed Trial of Elements this week already but not Trial of Flood
Having similar issues. Completed the Trial of Elements, tried 4 times to do the Trial of Flood, chest disappeared at the end, chest was not interactable for me at the start. Frustrating waste of time.
Same issue here.
When approaching the chest before the event starts, I am not able to interact with it, the chest is uninteractable.
When someone ELSE interacts with the chest and starts the event, I do not get the scenario progress tracker, and when all the waves are done, even if I have assisted with every single wave and killed the elite mob, no loot.
My guess is that I was somehow flagged as having already completed the event despite having not done so, but I would need someone who HAS done the event to see whether it reacts as above when already completed.
For reference, the other trial, the one in the time warped area, worked just fine for me.
Same issue, Killed the mobs twice and couldnt loot the chest, because it disappeared. how is this not being addressed? there are plenty of people posting about this bug. please help blizzard.
I have the same issue. Can’t click on the chest, and when all mobs are killed the chest disappears. Last week I couldn’t complete as well, I thought I had it done already but I have the same bug this week.
Just had this happen to me as well. Chest is visible until all the elements are killed then it disappears. Never had the scenario come up.
The chest worked last week both this and the Flood chest.
happening to me with both trials
Both trials are broken right now. Have tried three different times and each time they despawn after main baddie dies.
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Just had this happen to me as well, my friend in group looted but even though it was my shard I invited to bc he didnt have it on his, I was unable to loot and it just despawned after the event completed.
Same issue, except for me it seems like I’m not able to participate at all. I think it wasn’t reset weekly for my character?
Same thing happening to me, it’s frustrating.
I just experienced the same issue. Waited for 45 minutes, chest popped, couldnt interact, no stages showed up for me and the chest disappeared right after the elite was killed.
Also had the same experience as you.
Attempted to do the event, chest was visible, couldnt interact, participated until the end and the chest disappeared.
Have had this happen on both Trial events. Kind of irritating, to say the least.