Trial Of Style: Are these fixes in place yet?

The solution is just not taking this simple, fun event so seriously. “Event integrity”?

Are people actually upset they don’t win a round? Get over it, yikes. Loosen up, have a laugh and move on.


I mean, I’ve won even when going up against a guild group. Believe it or not, they aren’t always out for themselves.


I was for all the Bruce content. So sad I didn’t get the mount before the place shut down.

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im a seasoned trial of style vertan i have played pretty much every season .
1st season i won 98x in first place
2nd seson i won 50x in 1st place
3rd season i won 40x in 1st place
4th season 20 x in 1st place
5th i was 10 x in 1st place

current season im at 21 x in 1st place .
butttttttttttttttttttttttttttt over my course of playing this event every year , im so tired of seeing ppl win that dont even try full sets and or not the theme its supposed to be . Im also getting sick of groups or players that get jealous you did better then them and they hardcore try to not vote for you .

yes solo q only group q rigs the system
theres no need for num 2 at all it auto votes who you are highlighted over .

we need tons more rewards .

Also side note the trial i was just in bugged and didnt even start O_O !

im also curious if anyone has beaten my high score of 98x in 1st place !

Honestly, ToS isn’t meant to be so serious. It’s a fun little event that people should be able to play with their friends. Theme interpretation is subjective, and what one person thinks a theme means may be different from you.

I fully support people doing Trial of Style with their friends… all five of them.

No, it’s not serious but it is supposed to be fun and there is nothing fun about being your cheerleader (your = the collector your). Some people spend time coming up with creative mogs and it’s zero fun to get into a match where the winner has been decided before you click the “Apply” button.

fun event is fun when ppl try to win by not having friends vote for them esp if they dont even try to do the theme . Obviously it wouldn’t be an issue if people weren’t this way . But it seems that they cant handle the event fairly for everyone involved. so the only correct option would be to make it solo q only and go from there.

a compromise would be 2 modes one for groups one for solos .

Exactly! I just won a few days ago against a guild group. Nice people, fun people. There were jokes and cheering and toy box amusement. :slightly_smiling_face:

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and how many was that ? It happens quite often not with guilds but with their group of friends .

I run Trial of Style a LOT. I haven’t run into this in like two years. And I’ve been in groups that have guild groups in them.

Different experiences and all that.

Most of the time in my experience is people just being outright jealous that my tmog was better so they make sure i dont place . Its easy to tell when 3 ppl that place didnt do the theme.

How… would you even know this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sounds egotistical and sus to me.

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all of these suggestions ruin an otherwise fun event


because 3 people place that didnt follow the theme its that easy wow

nope they will make it better

That doesn’t mean they’re jealous of you. :rofl:

yes it does people will not vote the good ones its a common talked about thing in past trial of style threads this isnt a rare magical moment.

I personally enjoyed seeing Murderaffe and “A Seagull”.

Yep. I think these people who are annoyed just need to relax and have fun. If you run into a dumb group, leave or just chill. You still get tokens.

This forum is roughly one percent of the playerbase and this delusion that someone is so jealous of your mog they’re coordinating against you because of it is just nonsensical at best.

This isn’t a systemic problem. It’s you being overly paranoid. They aren’t out to get you.

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Again, it is no fun for the majority to be in a match where the winner is already decided before it even starts. And if we choose not to be your group’s cheerleaders? We get a 30 minute debuff.

I think a great idea would be to have solo and duo queues just like Plunderstorm. Cheaters can see if they can out cheat each other and people that want a real competition can get one.

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