Trial of crusade boss wont spawn

Still bugged! 10/26/22

Second boss won’t spawn.


1/4/23 npc needed to start 2nd fight will not appear. Npc chat after 1st fight also didn’t happen. Logged out, reset all instances…nothing.

still bugged lol

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still bugged 1/22/23

Still bugged 2-16-23. 25 man normal

When are you gonna hire some QA folks and some people to fix these bugs that are 3 years old???

Still bugged.

3-30-23 still bugged cannot complete the mog set why man

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Still bugged as of today (check post date)

Edit: Map is also bugged, showing Icy Depths in the lowed mid region, as if I was at Anub’Arak.

same here! I feel like it must have something to do with it but nothing seems to work to fix. 4/20/23

still bugged

Still bugged 5/24/2023

06/23 still bugged

Still Bugged 7/17/23… How many expansions now and still they havent fixed the issues with the 3rd expansion.

multi-dollar company strikes again

legit still happening and I’m sad theres no fix. I want these gloves :frowning:

Still stuck, 8/7/2023. Can’t be that hard of a bug to fix.

Still bugged! Wow. Almost couldn’t believe it’s been bugged for this long. Then again, it is Blizzard.

I’ve done this raid with my Paladin and Druid, but I am having problems to do it with my Rogue.

My experience with Rogue:
I’ve killed the Beasts(first boss) and then Barett Ramsey(the NPC you talk to spawn next Boss) didnt appear. So I logged out for few hours. I came back and the NPC was there. I was able to continue the Raid.
I killed then Lord Jaraxxus, and Barett Ramsay spawned right after I killed it, so I tough I could continue but… TIRION was not there! If I look up, Tirion Fordring is not there, then even if I tell Barett Ramsay that I am ready to continue the Raid, Tirion is not there to start the conversation with Varian/Garrosh, and the event doesnt trigger, I guess…
I tried to log out both inside and outside the raid and wait a few hours, but nothing changed.

Sad to see that this is a long time bug, and I hope Blizzard manage to fix it. I think it might be quite simple, since its something relate to NPCS not spawning.

PS: Champions of the Horde DO spawn, but they cant be attacked and stay on the upper level, they dont go down since Tirion is not there to trigger Varian/Garrosh/Champions actions.

You’re a Druid. Use dreamwalk twice. Puts you in the ToC graveyard. Won’t fix the raid but saves the hearth.

Exactly what happens to me every time and I know it won’t start the moment I go for Mulhouse/ Lord J. Is so annoying because only trans loot I need is the OH from Twins.