Tree Mount changing colors?

I thought I read somewhere, that the Tree Mount that we all got, was suppose to change colors with the seasons. Is that correct?

So Spring was technically on Saturday for the US and my mount is still white, ie… from the Winter season.

So with there being 4 seasons, they should switch 4 times a year? Also since Fall is a season, are our trees going to loose all their leaves and run around naked?!

trees green now bro, log in and check its greeness

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what?!?! did this happen last night, mine was still white last night


You folks blow a gasket about everything these days. :rofl:


i dunno when it happened just noticed it when i logged in for raid tonight.

So white for winter, green for spring, and I assume orange for fall… what color is summer?


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Brown for the water starved leaves one would assume.

I would have done green for summer and like pink blossoms for spring.

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Going by the pet version, lighter green, no flowers.

Oooo. That would be awesome if we had a sentient cherry blossom tree.

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