That’s not what anyone is saying.
A 15 yard no mount/no toy aura around the goblin would just make the goblin a little bit more accessible for everyone without inconviencing anyone.
Not sure why this is a controversy
That’s not what anyone is saying.
A 15 yard no mount/no toy aura around the goblin would just make the goblin a little bit more accessible for everyone without inconviencing anyone.
Not sure why this is a controversy
the goblin runs around… people who are going about their business and don’t care about the event, shouldn’t get dismounted because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time when a goblin ran past, and now they’re in combat and can’t mount again until the thing dies.
Yeah. There’s no need to keep the aura active when the goblin spawns. While the portal is still active though? Absolutely. I don’t have a problem with it. No one’s gonna be mounted anyway while the goblin’s trying to get away from an angry horde of murderhoboes.
Players will always try to find a way to inconvience other players.
yeah ill believe that when i see it. ive been in massive groups and its still 40s-1m
Yeah, there’s no way a goblin died in 5 seconds. 30 seconds to a minute seems to be the standard.
I would say at least give a 3 second immunity buff after it spawns like Nalak ON TOP OF a no-fly/no-toy zone during prep time.
That’s not a bad idea either.
Let’s turn that around:
What do you lose by not being able to mount or use target dummies around it?
Oh right, the ability to grief other players.
Stop trying to grief other players. And stop advocating for griefing other players and encouraging toxic behavior, then trying to make the victims out to be the bad guys.
In. Every. Single. Thread. You Do This.
And yet, it did. At the same time other servers crashed. Since people couldn’t tag it, his HP didn’t scale like it should have. Also, when he takes 45 seconds to a minute to die, that means a lot of people tagged him, but aren’t attacking him after the initial tag.
I haven’t had any issues so far, but mostly people been just putting target practice dummies near the portal.
I would like to be able to always use my corgi goggles in big crowds though.
I will rephrase then. There’s no way it happened under normal circumstances. That sounds like a series of unfortunate events.
Two separate events on two shards. One crashed. The other (the one I was on) people blocked attacks with a tent toy or something. It was a huge tent whatever it was.
I honestly think it would be super cool if They made it an Easter egg hunt and hid one treasure goblin with ultra rare items in one spot anywhere in the wow world until someone finds it. IT can be classic, legion, SL,DF zones. ANYWHERE! and then you get an achivement when you find him! BLIZZ HIRE ME ALREADY!
They are griefing players and getting away with it.
Oh, I know. And it’s making the server latency horrible in the process, amongst other things.
Just did this for the first time. Massive crowd. Used targeting macro. No problem.
Yeah the one I just did was ~30 seconds of lag just getting worse and worse lol. But he was up for awhile.
This waiting on the portal to show on the map is not cool…everyone says wait a min or so …by then you’ve lost up too 2 mins of flight time to get too the portal where ever it spawns…how come its taking so long for the portal too appear on the map …
The last one I was in most of us couldn’t even tag it, there was so much lag it reset the portal then it instantly spawned and died.