Treasure Goblins

See above.

Type. The. Text. So. We. Can. See.


Time and time again we encounter these arguments, and time and time again the answer is always the same: we shouldn’t have to make macros to play a basic function of the game.


Frankly, we shouldn’t need to whip up macros when the game’s basic functionality should allow us to do these activities without any problem

Slapping some band-aid on an issue doesn’t make it no longer an issue


macros are a basic function of the game.

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Banning umpteen things is the band-aid.

Because Blizzard will miss something (they always do) and people will use the thing they missed, instead.

And then you guys will come back and complain again.

And then Blizzard will ban something else.

And then people will figure out something else they missed and use that.

etc. etc. etc.

Or you guys could LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME and not have these problems, which is what the rest of us do.


I’m sorry, why do you need me to type out the /tar you just told me to use?

Is no one paying attention?

Goblin comes up, hit the macro for the /tar, target goblin, kill goblin, target lost, dead under targeting dummies, hit the macro for /tar, nothing, type in the /tar, nothing.


Why is it such a controversy to just not allow mounts and toys around the portal? Is it going to kill y’all to not have those? Will your game implode? Does your cat spontaneously comubst?



Your attack macro isn’t going to loot for you. I can’t believe I actually have to explain this.

/tar it and then use your interact with target keybind


shouldn’t have to travel to various locations.

shouldn’t have to hit mobs.

should just have everything mailed to us.

99% of the population manage perfectly fine.
the other 1% come here and complain about every tiny thing.

because there’s clearly something wrong with it.

so let’s get it sorted.


Literally never said it would.

 target is lost when the goblin dies. Can’t target through targeting dummies on the ground. Can’t use /tar to target so that I can interact with target to loot.

I can’t believe I actually have to explain this.


No, they’re really not. They’re an advanced function of the game. Most people don’t use them outside of the basic slash commands, and that’s only when typing them. They don’t save them.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m one having a problem with this event, either. I’m not. These are issues people in-game are having, and they don’t understand how macros work, they don’t know about WoWHead, they don’t even know about WoW’s own forums.

If it’s not a solution for those people, then it’s not a solution.


It amuses me when I put a bunch of adopted puppies around the portal, but I should probably stop. The amount of spam is obnoxious to begin with, and I shouldn’t be adding to it.

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Probably because
1: this is a temporary event that will go away and we don’t want blizzard to miss something that might randomly dismount and kill players in the future going past the point if they dont get it right. Or miss toys/mounts/locations and have to fix this a dozen times over
2: a simple solution to the problem you are talking about already exists in the base game ui

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if you can’t, then there’s something wrong with your macro.


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It’s a portal. It spawns in different places. It can be tied to the portal itself. Those will be gone.

Literally just explained the problem in how it doesn’t work. But sure.

There’s nothing wrong with the macro when it literally works to target it in the first place to kill it.

Keep up the good work, GD. Have to be contrarian just to argue. I’m out.

The only thing you explained is that your macro is not working. People might be able to tell you why it isnt working if you actually tell us what text you are using which has been mentioned to you multiple times

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Its a clear problem. Do you have a use-case scenario for where spamming turnips on this one particular patch of ground is incredibly beneficial for all parties involved? Because I’d absolutely love to hear what your clarification is for not banning it or, say, giving a radius restriction to turnips so you can’t stack them

I’m sorry, I thought playing the game was “Use your abilities to take down various opponents”. Not “Pick your target through all the slop everyone else has dropped on top of it to deliberately block you from doing that”

I think we’re possibly playing different games

I’m sorry, how did “Hey, maybe this clear problem where people can’t click on a thing” translate into this? The whole thing is basically ‘hey i can’t loot for whatever reason’ and you’re somehow translating that into people demanding no effort

I wasn’t aware obtaining loot from something you’ve killed was suddenly a show of skill

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cool thing about being a hunter i just press the fetch button, no looking for a body required

What are treasure goblins and these things? How do you spawn them? I killed one and got a mount, a good and a cloak.??? The transmogs for the hood and cloak don’t appear to be saving to collection though? I am a hunter class.

The funny part about this is the people who just refuse to listen to others who are helping them.


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