Please Disable Sharding On RP Servers Post Greedy Emissary Event

It was made known that this is the proper forum space for this grievance. Seeing as the Treasure Goblin event is over, please restore the disabled sharding on RP realms, particularly in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Thank you!


Absolutely. As I mentioned in my post on the other thread over on the Tech Support forum, the sharding makes it quite difficult to plan events that take place in Stormwind and recruit there. Keeping the sharding on for as long as it has been is really damaging to the RP community and while yes, it may contribute to server stability, it basically kills the entire purpose of an RP server.


Third-ing this, the issue seems to be lingering in Stormwind and Orgrimmar specifically.

RP servers have a custom ruleset to disable sharding/phasing in legacy content, including capital cities. This custom ruleset sometimes gets overwritten/put on pause during events that would cause large bottlenecks and crashes in one area like expansion releases and special events like the Running of the Gnomes or the recent Greedy Emissary event.

The Greedy Emissary event ended yesterday but the custom ruleset to disable sharding in Stormwind and Orgrimmar hasn’t been re-enabled.


Bumping this for visibility!


Obligatory “We’ve been in CS who moved us to Technical, and Technical and they insisted we needed to be here so if we’re in the wrong spot again, it’s because we keep getting sent in circles” post.


Joining the “oh you posted everywhere but here this time” thread just to show we jumped through all their hoops and they still don’t know how to keep their word or fix their mistakes or even own up to/acknowledge them.


Okay, devs…you can flip the switch now…


I dont even rp in the capitol cities but I like to people watch, please turn off sharding so I can sit afk in a corner and watch everyone else make the game world more immersive. Also wait I do like to RP in the cities but only on my rogue were I pretend to be a box and it’s funny because sometimes other people start to pretend to be boxes and if I can’t RP as a box I will be very sad. Please and thank you.


posting to show support no time for grammar or punctuation


New roleplayers see a dead city when they log in. That’s not how you hook subscribers on an RP server. Not only is sharding meant to be off by default on RP servers but this whole event has damaged the community


For the love of God, just stop sharding on RP realms entirely. All RP’ers would fully understand if things get a bit laggy, and the Non RPers who complain well…The realm isn’t actually for them. MOST realms by FAR are NOT RP realms, so please let RP realms cater to us by for instance, not sharding our major RP hubs! Gawd


Ba-Bump! Let’s get people back into Stormwind.


Also posting for visibility. This is insane that you cant fix it.


Well they managed to kick the can down the road until the weekend, so we likely won’t see a response until Monday, and then the vibe will be that we can wait until Tuesday reset for it to be fixed.

It genuinely feels like each time sharding is put on they try and inch closer and closer to leaving it in just to see if we’ll notice and to see how long we’ll fuss about it.


Getting more exposure here, some feedback too, if you all want to join <3

Posting here to show support. Please fix the sharding.


Bumping because this is a serious issue. RP servers shouldn’t have sharding in legacy content. It makes no sense.


Shameless weekend bump…

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It has been close to a week since the event is over. And the phasing is still not removed.
I just tweeted at the Warcraft Devs and Blizzard CS to try to push it a long even further.
Phasing on RP realms NEEDS to be removed. NOW.


The more time goes on, the less generously I’m inclined to view this.

The people who program events into the game obviously know when they’re re-enabling sharding manually for an event. I’m even okay with temporary sharding when content causes bottlenecks that would otherwise crash and destabilize servers.

But why are the people who broke the thing not responsible for putting it back the way it’s supposed to be when the thing they put in is done? Why is this always a battle? This shouldn’t have been a surprise the second time it happened, much less the fifth or sixth. The last time was just six months ago, there can’t possibly have been the turnover of every single person who knows what to do about this in that amount of time.