Treasure chest phasing issue mechagon

Im not sure if this is a bug but I find it very hard to believe that I found 5/6 treasure chests for the WQ junkyard treasures within 20 minutes and then for the last 3 hours ive not even seen a chest icon pop on my map. I also asked someone else to invite me to group and find one and then tell me where it was. I went to them and I could not physically see a box even when they confirmed it was right under my feet.


Can confirm as well. Found 5/6 and still can’t find the last chest. Rip 850 Rep…

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same here 5/6

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Same at 3/6. Found those first 3 within 8 minutes. Spent the next 2 hours flying around mechagon. Tried shard hopping, WM on and off, and I even woke up at 5 AM today to check before work. Something definitely seems off.

so do you just think we are screwed? I did same thing got up at 5 to check still nothing. The only reason I even care is because now its gonna be at least 1 extra day until we all get flying. I opened a ticket and they said nothing they could do, but to submit a bug report which I did :frowning:

Unfortunately I do think we are screwed. I’d like to think that we could be compensated for it, but the fact that the forum isn’t being inundated with lots of messages about this means it is likely a very isolated issue and we just drew the short straw. I doubt the problem is big enough that anything will be done for us.

I’ve run into the same issue. I was able to get 4/6 in a very short period of time. I then joined a raid to do some rare farming and saw more chests (but of course they did not count). Left the raid to finish the quest and never found another chest after 3-4 hours of looking. Spoke to other people who said they could see chests, so clearly it’s some kind of isolated phasing issue. Checked this morning as well, and nothing.

It appears that the server reset did not resolve this either. It’d be one thing to lose out on 100 reputation or whatever is normal for a daily world quest, but to lose out on 850 for a key factor in flying. This is really not acceptable.

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I found the last chest on the western spray islands.

I sometimes see a chest in the distance and it phases away as I approach. This also happens with the starfish in the Bounty quest. I was excited to start playing this update, and now that the content quests are done, the daily / world quests are just broken.

Same problem to me today 5/6

same thing for me. idk what to do. i want my 850 rep :frowning:

same here i pick 2 or 3 chest on raid group and loot more 3 chest off raid and dont see more chests on map i run and run and run for 3 hours and no see more chests thx i need this wquest for unlock fly this day

Wow, it’s nice to see that I am not the only one with this problem, and the respawn rate on these chest are ridiculous. I’ve lost so much Rep just because I could not get that last chest, and I think that Blizzard needs to re-think this quest, and reset the respawn times so that everyone has a chance to complete them. I have literally spent 2 hours in one spot and the chest never respawned. Thumbs down on this one Blizzard…shame on you!

You’re not supposed to camp one spot. They respawn plentifully, all over the zone.

Every time I do this, it takes less than 40 minutes to get 6/6 and I do them while doing other objectives.