Traveler's Tundra Mammoth passenger eject

Anyone have a working macro for ejecting passengers off the mammoth? I cant seem to get any of the old ones I’ve been able to find with searches to work. Thanks

I found a run macro, the problem is that it also ejects me, and I saw on reddit others complaining. There is no overhead view of it like there was originally, so I cant eject them without dismounting myself. I put in a ticket about it as I assume it is bugged

I thought my UI was bugged. I tried /run EjectPassengerFromSeat(1) but that’s not working. What did you run to get all to eject?

I am using: /cast Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth
/run EjectPassengerFromSeat(1)
/run EjectPassengerFromSeat(2)

The problem is, it ejects the passengers, then a few seconds later dismounts me. This worked before. Also, there used to be a bird’s eye view icon with two yellow buttons you could use to eject each passenger separately. That is missing.

im having the same issue, tried like 5 dif macros nothing works

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mine randomly ejected the vendors earlier, but no one in my group could get on

Whatever it is, make sure you add this critical line


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I actually named my first macro that when I was initially trying to get it to work


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