Travelers log tracking objectives not going away

I posted on general forums about a bug i’ve been having and others have it as well so i’m posting it here. I tracked a few objectives from the new travelers log and they wont go away even after shift clicking to stop tracking. As soon as I log in on any character, the same objectives are tracked.


Same. It’s super annoying.


I’m going to throw in a big “me too” on this VERY annoying bug. I don’t WANT to track anything from the traveler’s log since I always get it done just by doing “normal things” and 95% of the junk in the Trading Post I don’t care about.

Worse yet, this month I’ve ALREADY completed everything and got the parrot mount, and the Traveler’s Log is STILL showing on various characters when I log in with “8 of 10 raid bosses killed”.

Let me decide what to use MY screen real estate on, Blizzard.


Found another thread with a solution.