Travel form

I tried asking trade, and I have no friends to test with personally, is travel form as fast or faster than mounted speed? I hit 40 and got my epic riding, but I really enjoy my KT stag form but if it’s slower a little less so.

All travel form speeds match the same respective mount speeds. So yes Epic travel form is the same as Swift mount speed. You’re free to frolic as a deer whenever :smiley:

I enjoy chasing people down as a raptor!

Thank you! I’m excited to get to max lvl with this guy. Been struggling to find my 2 chars I wanna main and it’s been a blast with all the diversity in my forms. I’m looking for a war replacement and guardian feral might be my go to. If I can play feral in m+ we’ll I’ll never change lol

Travel form is as fast as a mount if you initiate it out of combat. In-combat travel form is slower and does not adjust when combat drops.

Also mount speed boosts are inconsistent. Like Pathfinder’s boost works on travel form, but some other ones don’t. I want to say mount equipment doesn’t affect it either, which is weird because it affects worgen Running Wild, so /shrug.