I’m from Azeroth.
I love how a number of the ones saying “iT’s NoT tHe CoMmUnItY, mOsT oF tHoSe BiGoTs DoN’t EvEn PLaY WoW” are then on subbed accounts spreading bigoted opinions of their own right here on this topic of this forum as a response to calling out the stream chat for being phobic, basically proving that there IS a sizable portion of the community that is indeed phobic
This thread has turned to nothing but people arguing and garbage. Why is it still even up? Oh, I know why, but I won’t say.
I’m here with my popcorn.
I just had dinner, I can’t find room for salty yummy popcorn…Or can I…hmm…
Popcorn does sound lovely. I’ll go make myself some too.
I was too hyped about the actual presentation, I made my YouTube into theater mode or whatever and it took the chat away. The chat was going like a million miles a minute when I saw it during the initial countdown… I can’t read all that
No only have you proven to be unwilling to treat your fellow human beings with dignity and respect but you prove you don’t even understand the US Constitution.
I called them out and immediately got a whisper from someone saying this to me “Then go get aids from him if you love him so much”. It is absolutely sickening to see this kind of homophobia running rampant.
…Alright, that’s fine actually to say that.
And you know what? I get the need to prioritize. The people who aren’t white, straight or males has it pretty bad in comparison (we all have it bad, but they have it much worse) given that majority of their reasons why it happens at all is because of bigotry. I get why there’s things like that and you know what? That’s good.
I support fairness and equality myself, because i don’t think no human being better then the other solely just because of what they are.
My problem lies more in the extremists, as in they engage in hypocrisy and forget why they believed in the things they believed in. They know the hatred it causes from being bigoted, and even experienced some of it themselves. It still surprises me that i see those extremists, just… outright being hateful to some people whether it be overgeneralizing or victimizing, etc. And sometimes to neutral or even their own people who support this. I mean we see this in politics and… quite fittingly, religion as well.
I don’t want people who are fighting for human rights to be extremists or warmongers for the slightest of disagreement, because that doesn’t do anybody good.
Why you think i keep on quoting Martin Luther King Junior?
I’l be honest, i’ve never seen the stream’s chat entirely (assuming that’s what OP is talking about), because i was more curious about the expansion reveal. I did notice while eyeing over it before turning the video off, that it went from sub only mode.
Off-topic, but i’ve mentioned the chat is available for everybody on YouTube (and subbed) because… it’s on YouTube. I’m not personally ready to say it’s the fault of WoW community just yet.
Alright, well fair enough.
Personally for this thread and problem in particular, i don’t really have a simple solution for this other then moderate the chat (which may by the answer, but i think were looking for a more permanent or effective solution here), since it kind of involving examining what’s the problem, or how the problems arise and… It’s a bit complex.
However, i do must ask… why does it need to be a stream anyways? It’s pre-recorded by the looks of it.
One life lesson I learned many many years ago: If you wear a sign saying “kick me”… someone is going to kick you. Advertising your status of any kind on the internet will get a reaction from the anonymous denizens who inhabit it’s underbelly. Without fail. A sad fact but undeniable, unavoidable.
And, do you not thing people on this forum have not treated me with dignity or respect? It works both ways.
If Elon buys twitter, I may just make an account to watch the sparks fly. It will be glorious.
Be quiet I am one and never get treated bad by the community.
Exactly, just like the 2A nuts who think that amendment somehow means they can open carry AR-15s willy-nilly and drive Abrams tanks around
Well, the only Moderators are Blizzard staff, which I am not.
Blizzard can and will make that final decision. You agreed to follow the forum rules. If you don’t like them, you should not be here.
Despite you being unkind from the beginning our our conversation in the other topic…I don’t really know. I’ve only seen one thing from you, intolerance for other human beings.
If you get flack for that, I can understand.
Depends on the state. In my state, I love my freedom.
That’s just life. Bad people and below the belt kickers are everywhere.
That’s not the only definition of transphobia.
dislike or unfair treatment of trans people
…Exactly, why you’re taking it quite literally? I mean seriously, do you honestly believe, people are walking down the street, only to come across a trans person, and they get so scared they soil themselves and run back home, crying to their mother? That’s not that kind of phobia their talking about.