Transparent boxes showing for tooltips but no words

Ive had this issue for a while and its honestly gotten to the point where it annoys me when i go to an alt that i havent played in a bit. it only happens for the spells on my action bars, if i go to my spell book, options, etc i can see the words

a screenshot of the issue:

not sure if anyone else has been having this issue

You’ll want to ask about this in UI and Macro

This forum is for crashes/disconnects/trouble installing the game.

Ive noticed its only after i change my bars in edit mode. made a new toon and ran through ER could see all of the details for the spells

Most likely an addon or WeakAura. Have you tried disabling them?

yeah i turned each addon i have off and all of them. still the same issues. i dont have weakaura

You can try resetting all your CVars

/console cvar_default

Your abilities on the action bar arent macros without #showtooltip, are they?

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correct, ive done the showtooltip, turning them off and on.

It looks very much like an addon with a custom tooltip that hasn’t been initialised properly.

To be doubly certain you could (exit the game) rename the [WoW][_version_]\Interface folder to something else and login. (a new Interface folder with an empty AddOns inside will be created that can be removed before renaming the original folder back).

Log in and see what happens. If you don’t get the blank tooltip, copy the addons into the new empty AddOns folder one or two at a time loggin in/reloading each time to hunt down which is the culprit.

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Would it still be an addon issue if i can see everything before i change it with edit mode? ive been on a couple of toons where i havent had the chance to change and it shows the tooltip and its not blank, but once i set it to my saved edit thats when it goes blank.

If you change it with edit mode and it’s blank with no addons installed (not just disabled but an empty AddOns folder) then you would probably be looking at a Blizzard bug.

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