The past couple days my Transmute Charges have been broken. I’ve gone to the alchemy bench with any number of “Crafts Available” (for transmutation) but when I click “Create” or “Create All” there is no response from the game - nothing tactile. No cast bar, no sound, no change in items in my bag related to the transmute. “Crafts Available” are simply used up and discarded as if nothing happened.
In the video I approach an alchemy bench with 3 “Crafts Available.” The recipe has a greyed out “Create” button, but let’s ignore that since I might just need to refresh the recipe list after coming into range of the alch table (understandable). I exit the alch table list, and open the alch table list again. Everything seems good to go. I select “Transmute: Awakened Air” and hit Create.
Nothing happens.
I hit it a few more times, also trying “Create All.”
Nothing happens.
I relog.
My Transmute charges are now gone, and I have no new Awakened Airs in my bag.
I have a maxed out “Transmutation” specialization wheel in Alchemical Theory, if that makes any difference.
This issue is, at very least, confusing. I may be missing something - and please tell me if I am. This has only started happening the past couple days. I’ve had maxed transmutation wheel for about a week and have not seen this happening til recently.
This is also happening to me. Charges are appearing, not allowing me to use, then disappearing and resetting to a seemingly arbitrary, lower number of charges when I look again.
Very, very maddening when I invested into being a transmutation specialist.
Having the same issue here with the same full investment of points in the Transmutation spec wheel. I recall being really satisfied with the recharge rate at some point, but that rate has slowed, and the UI bugs out in ways that makes whatever recharge rate I theoretically do have moot. Please fix - but also please revisit the merits of the design to begin with. Short of including some kind of transmutation of elements into Order/Ire/Decay, this wheel might be the weakest return on invested knowledge points that only really helps an absolute niche player that wants to bank charges and transmute once a week. Who are these players, and why is this being designed with them in mind?
I am also experiencing this bug. I have the necessary reagents. I am at the alchemist’s lab bench. I click “create” and nothing happens. I cannot transmute anything.
Transmutation crafts have been temporarily disabled in order to address an exploit. It is our top priority to resolve the underlying issue and re-enable Transmutations as soon as possible.
Hey yall there is a blue post saying they DISABLED transmutation until an exploitation can be fixed. I care more about not being able to progress my profession than I care about some exploit, but oh well.
Edited to add quote:
Transmutation crafts have been temporarily disabled in order to address an exploit. It is our top priority to resolve the underlying issue and re-enable Transmutations as soon as possible.