Transmog is a great way for players to express themselves, everyone knows that and it’s a core part of the game we all enjoy to play.
Do you think it’s a good idea to add more filters when it comes to searching for items?
For example:
Filter by Colour, not just armor type
Filter by Size for weapons such as Swords, Polearms and Staves
Imagine if you were able to click and add to your armor aswell, for example adding a rack of bones onto shoulder pads or extra cloth with alliance logos imprinted upon it.
Food for thought, what’s your opinion should we be advancing transmog further or is it at it’s peak?
I feel like the proposed filters for Size might be a bit redundant. The weapon types are already determined mostly by size as it is, the only difference I can see is that all 1h weapons (at least axes and maces, probably swords) would all occupy the same filter, same for 2h weapons barring staves, polearms and ranged weapons- the odd variables between. Being separated into weapon types at the moment is tidy and organized.
Color, however, I like. I find myself constantly pouring over my catalogue looking for matching armor. It won’t fix WoW’s problem of inconsistent palettes, though. There’s no one definitive shade for any color, but especially in metals…
The proposal for armor addons is interesting… I don’t know how to feel about it. Part of me feels it’d be frivolous, another part feels compelled. Might be a nightmare to rig.
To get here, though, I first want transmog to be ‘unlocked’- that is, more lenience when it comes to armor appearance. We’ve already strayed away from keeping classes looking like their class, ‘Cosmetic’ armor types have only solidified that (or they would, if they were interesting enough that you’d see people wearing them).
A compromise to ease into it is turning some armors traditionally locked to their armor class into Cosmetic armor types- say, the Garrison armors from Warlords of Draenor. At the moment, you need to roll a monk or a rogue to look like a Frostwolf, or Mage or Priest to look like a Shadowmoon, etcetera etcetera I didn’t play Alliance side.
Uuh good reply thank you, yeah let me help you with understanding the weapon size part. You know those little staves which do not surpass the grip point? Half a treebranch ones, and compare say Grand Marshall Claymore to any other normal sword, it needs a “XL” category haha especially for us dwarves, if the sword’s too big it goes through the ground!
Colour yeah I didn’t think of that, perhaps if they introduced like a checkbox filter that reads “Includes Red” for each colour.
Checkout the custom armor items you can add to your character when you create a Dracthyr if you haven’t already! That’s what I mean, that’s attached to the character not the armor and so would the cosmetic alteration of armor be.
Unlocking Transmog, heck yea that would be brilliant! In the name of fun and games it’s nice be able to wear what you like, I personally would prefer it if they kept armor types intact, I get mad when I see I’m fighting a player who’s transmog’d their armor away and all of a sudden World of Warcraft has became world of love and binkincraft haha! Maybe I’m just too oldschool! I think it would be cool if they advanced the variety of sets racial questlines for transmog is massively profitable in every sense if you ask me I’ve no idea why it’s yet to be implemented (like the bronzebeard set, but you’d do a questline to unlock it and there’d be a variety of sets, wildhammer, old Ironforge) Apologies for the dwarf bias hahaha
Once Tailoring moves into the next xpac almost nobody needs and crafts the old bags again. Create back cosmetics (or even pouches (with belts)) that are a visual representation for these bags and ramp up the required materials since this is a one-time purchase.
Get’s rid of millions of materials per server and is a better long term use for those outdated materials.
Ahhh this suddenly makes a lot more sense. I hate how often weapons will just sink into the ground on more squat races- or worse, go directly through my feet when I have them drawn as a goblin.
In general, I think a lot of weapons just need to have their size tweaked, because it is really ridiculous.
Ive always thought it should be a scale for everything transmog. Let me choose how tiny or how huge something is. I find it very hard to change transmog to new items because they feel so busy. Vanilla transmog really hits the nail for me but I wish they went crazier on enchants and illusions.
Yeah a scale filter, I like the idea, but honestly have no idea how hard or easy it would be to implement when thinking about how shoulders interact with helms, and weapons as they rest on your back!
Great! Yes, It’s crazy how big some of the weapons are but I mean it’s always been a theme and i think it’s harmless if they add a nice category so you can make sure to never see the tip of your sword go through the ground should you choose to Thanks again for the reply!