Transmog toy

How many of you have bought the toy when it was still available? (I got one myself)

I bought it last month

I have a yak but the toy is handy when people wanna change something while in the raid between pulls.

Nah, I’m happy with my yak.


Easy +1 toy. That is all.

i didnt need it lol

I purchased the transmog toy last month from the Trading Post. I got it mostly for collecting purposes as I love to collect stuff in the game.

Already got the Grand Expedition Yak and have had it since Mists of Pandaria expansion. So I just use that mount to update my transmog appearance as I collect gear in the game!

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It’s the most useful toy I’ve ever owned.

I use my Yak, but I can see the usefulness for when you can’t mount. I only do outdoor content, so I don’t have that problem.

I thought about it, but my characters only have to look terrible until level 10, then they can ride the yak.

I bought it in raids for those annoying moments you get a helmet in raid and it’s like “wear it for the upgrade and ruin my mog or refuse to put it on and do slightly less dps”

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Yes I did, frees up a bag space when I am in a raid or somewhere I can’t mount up on my yak, and everyone knows you do more dps when you’re properly mogged.