Transmog Rules

I was wondering about the whole transmog rules and requirements. Normally, in groups when I do raids or dungeons, for each item I get, I have a timer to trade. If I trade the item that was just collected into my wardrobe, I will lose that collection. However, when soloing legacy content, I won’t get that timer. I’d assume that as long as I have equipped to bind and/or don’t see the timer, it is safe to sell the item. There have been moments where I will loot the same item during the previous reset to see it was not saved or missing from my wardrobe.
Then there’s the professions. I have been trying to make all the gears I have not collected for my transmog for all my characters. If I am working on Leatherworking on my druid, if I try making Mail gears to send to another of my hunter or evoker to add, it will show my druid it has not been collected. But once the item is sent to my other character, it will display as I already have it collected - before binding the item.
So, I was wondering if it’s a bug or a misunderstanding.

[quote=“Ellinne-azuresong, post:1, topic:1771746”]However, when soloing legacy content, I won’t get that timer. I’d assume that as long as I have equipped to bind and/or don’t see the timer, it is safe to sell the item.

Yes because there’s no way you could possibly trade it. When soloing, they’re not going to let you leave the raid and trade it to someone else, so if you’re by yourself, it all counts as bound to you from the get-go. You can vendor immediately.

This does not apply to pieces you buy with currency and then vendor back because it returns the currency to you if you change your mind within a certain time. Therefore, it will also remove the item from your wardrobe. The timer you’re thinking of probably applies to these types of pieces.

I too have mainly leather and mail characters. Mail cannot collect leather and vice-versa. But once the item has been collected by a wearer of the appropriate armour, it will show as collected to all your characters.