Transmog Not Working

Hello, whenever I click apply on any set of appearance or even just a small change nothing happens, I’ve tried everything, changing chars, disabling addons, uninstalling addons, but It doesn’t work


same here.


Can’t mog hide cape.

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me too, cant save mogs or add illusions

Same problem here.

I have the same problem on my monk. It’s only specific sets, too. I noted it here:

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Transmog still isn’t working

same here not working at all. it hasn’t been for 6 days.

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Same here, transmog is very messed up. Items disappear and reappear in my collection, hidden items “unhide” randomly, and previewing gear is always messed up where 60% of my gear randomly disappears/changes/reverts. It’s a total mess.

Anyone find out why? Im having this issue with my monk with the mist dancer set as well lmao.

Same issue here. Trying to transmog the Mistdancer Armor set on my monk and it’s still not working.